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{2, 495 words}

-3 weeks later-

"This isn't going very well, is it?"


RM sighed next to Jin, while Jimin was trying to stay awake next to J-Hope. The members have been awake for the past 34 hours, and most of those hours were spent practicing and rehearsing for their tour. Now, here they were, in California U.S., and we're feeling terrible that Jungkook was the only one who could stop a panic attack from Suga. It's happened once or twice before, but it wasn't something to just put to the side. The stage lights were broken, so now they were waiting for it to be repaired.

Their flight had turbulence, which made Taehyung sick and he threw up. He was sitting in a chair with a cold water bottle in his hand, trying to get rid of the terrible motion sickness as quick as he could for their performance.

To make things worse, Jungkook refused to eat breakfast back in Korea, meaning their maknae hasn't eaten in over 24 hours. Not exactly ideal for a 5 hour performance on a hot stage with only 2 breaks and millions of people screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Hyung, it's okay, it's okay." Jungkook repeated, trying to look Suga in his eyes that were shut tightly with tears slipping out. "Hyung- you have to breathe, take a deep breath for me, hyung." Jungkook told him, hating the struggling sounds coming from Suga's irregular breathing. Suga gasped for air desperately, feeling his chest tighten and heart pound. "There you go hyung- do it again, take a deep breath." Jungkook instructed him, keeping his hands on his shoulders. Suga inhaled sharply with tears rolling down his cheeks, and finally opened his eyes to look into his boyfriends'. "It's okay, hyung- I'm here." Jungkook told him, looking into his eyes.

Suga nodded as he continued to hyperventilate, looking down at the floor of the back stage. Jungkook pulled Suga against him, and hugged him tightly- purposefully squeezing the air out of him. Suga's entire body completely reset at the large amount of air that left his lungs, and inhaled deeply against Jungkook.

"Fans are being let into the stadium in about 25 minutes, and then you'll start in an hour and a half." Bang-PD told RM next to him, making RM sigh. "Yeah, okay- Taehyung, how do you feel?" RM asked, looking over at Taehyung who was still sitting down with his eyes closed. "I just need a few more minutes." Taehyung groaned, taking a slow sip of his cold water. "Okay." RM nodded, looking over at Jimin and J-Hope. "Jimin, are you even awake?" He asked in a slight high-pitched voice. Jimin perched up from J-Hope's shoulder, and looked around twice. "N-o I'm fine." Jimin yawned, clearly exhausted. "I'll wake up when the show starts." He added, quickly trying to wake himself up. "Alright, makeup crew has arrived, everyone sit down." Bang-PD exclaimed in a louder voice to make sure everyone heard him.

"Are you okay now, hyung?" Jungkook asked softly, separating their hug just a bit. "M-maybe." Suga hiccuped on air, but slowly composing himself. "Well-" "Jungkook-ah!" Jungkook's hair stylist smiled brightly as she began to set up her station. "We have to get ready, so I have to go, okay? I love you." Jungkook kissed the top of Suga's head before being forced over to his stylist. Suga nodded to himself as he looked up for his stylist, and saw camera begin to flood the room for Bangtan Bombs, Bangtan Episodes, etc.

He went over to his makeup stylist with a smile, but it faded when he realized his entire body was shaking from his recent panic attack. He took a deep breath to try to relax, and closed his eyes for just a second.


"Wake up, hyung!" Jungkook smiled as he jumped on Jimin's back, trying to wake everyone up with energy. "I am up!" Jimin laughed, hearing ARMY screaming from behind the stage. "Good." Jungkook laughed, letting himself fall from Jimin's back.

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