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"Both of your friends are out of surgery, and are doing well."

J-Hope swore his lungs just finally opened up at the news, and breathed out a big breath of relief. "Thank you so much." Jin thanked the doctor, clearly just as relieved. RM was extremely quiet, only saying 1 or 2 things since his fight with Suga earlier. "When can we see them?" Jimin questioned, wanting to cry tears of happiness. "Well, only one of them is awake right now. It could take up to 4 hours for the anesthesia to wear off for the two." The doctor explained.

"We'd like to see him, please." J-Hope immediately spoke up with no hesitation. "Alright, right this way." The doctor began to lead the 4 down the hall, and into the elevator. RM had his head down, and was completely lost in thought. In a few seconds, they reached a floor which they predicted had Jungkook on it. But when they got on the floor, there was security everywhere, and loud shouts were echoing off the walls. The doctor and members quickly pushed through the security, and Jin and Jimin knew what was happening. "Oh crap."

"Hey, what's going on?" The doctor asked as a security guard pushed a young adult girl away from their patients room. She could see her patient having trouble breathing, and wanted to get into his room as soon as possible. J-Hope flipped up his hood, along with Jimin and Jin.

RM wasn't paying a lick of attention, and when he finally looked up, he was grabbed by the arm, and pulled into the crowd. Jimin instantly went for their leader, their own security and body guards not being with them. Jimin's hair was tugged and pulled, but he didn't care, and pried multiple pairs of hands off of RM. RM finally bounced back to reality, realized what was happening, and tried to escape. With one hard pull, RM was torn from the crowd, and a scratch was done to Jimin's arm. "Pay attention, hyung! What is wrong with you?!" Jimin scolded him. "All of these people are trying to get into your patients room." The security explained to the doctor, stopping a girl from opening the sliding glass door. "Well let me in there, I'm his doctor." The doctor shouted over the crowd, and showed the security guard her badge. The members and doctor were let inside, and Jin had to stop a boy from running in.

"Kook, are you okay?" J-Hope asked. Jungkook looked up from the floor, and held the plastic breather up to his mouth, taking in sharp deep breaths. It sounded like he was having a panic attack. The sounds of fans were just as loud as the voices in the maknae's head who had returned, and the members knew the hospital would soon be overrun by fans in a matter of seconds.

Oh lord, what about Taehyung and Suga?

"Um, is there any way we can get transported to another hospital?" Jimin asked as Jungkook tried to breathe properly. "Probably not. Two of your friends just came out of surgery, and this one has a concussion. We can't move either one of your friends." The doctor explained, giving some medicine through the IV to help calm Jungkook down. "Yeah, well, more people are just going to come in, and this hospital is probably going to get overrun in a matter of seconds." RM explained, switching into leader mode. "Then we'll lock up the hospital." The doctor told him, helping Jungkook calm down. RM sighed, and ran his hand through his hair at the sight of fans trying to get in Jungkook's room.

In a few minutes, the fans were forced out of the hospital, and you had to be a patient or worker to enter the hospital, due to the amount of fans surrounding the hospital. "I'm sorry hyung's, I waved to a girl, and she screamed, and it's all my fault." Jungkook apologized once his breathing was back to normal. "Jungkook, it's not your fault. This was bound to happen." J-Hope assured him. "What happens when Taehyung and Suga hyung wake up?" The youngest asked, wanting to be there next to Suga when he opened his eyes. "The they'll wake up. The hospital's locked, we're good now." RM told him. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot- my mind's not working so fast." Jungkook joked, sitting himself up carefully.

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