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{2, 456 words}

Jungkook's POV:

"Let's go, eh?" Taehyung suggested, looking over at me. "Yeah, it's getting late." I agreed, weakly grabbing my bag. My entire body ached, but it's because I haven't done much dancing or arm exercises in the past 6 months. "Do you want to drive, or...?" Taehyung trailed off, throwing away our plastic watter bottles. "I can drive." I told him. I didn't actually want to drive, but I couldn't just ask him to drive because I was feeling just a bit tired. "Are you sure? You haven't practiced much in months, you look exhausted. No offense, but I don't want to get in a car wreck." Taehyung joked, but over-all looking at me seriously.

"Nah, I'll drive. You're old, you'll drive slow." I snickered, going for the door. "Yah! I am not even old! How dare you!" Taehyung scolded me. I could hear him running behind me, and I flicked off the light before running out of the practice room. It hurt to run, but I could hear Taehyung laughing behind me, so it was making him happy. I wasn't going to stop if he liked it.

"Yes you are! You're so old, hyung!" I laughed behind me, running for the elevator. "Hey! Respect your hyungs- which includes me!" Taehyung yelled for me. I just laughed even more as I ran into the elevator, and quickly pressed the button for the main floor. "Respectfully," I yelled, seeing the doors begin to close as Taehyung ran faster towards me. "You're old." I smiled innocently in his face as the doors closed, and I instantly burst into laughter.

When I reached the lobby, I found Taehyung waiting for me right in front of the door. "Ow!" I laughed nervously as he grabbed me by my right ear, and started to playfully drag me out of the industry. I laughed and waved happily when Bang-PD gave us a weird and confused face. "Good night, sir." I laughed as casually as I could, only imaging how funny this would look.

"Um..." Bang-PD started to laugh when I quietly winced as Taehyung secured his grip on my earlobe. "Good night, Jeongguk." He smiled as Taehyung dragged me out of the building.

We eventually made it to the van, and he practically shoved me into the passengers seat. "I'm surprised you got down the stairs fast enough, hyung." I laughed when he got in the driver's seat. "And why is that, exactly?" Taehyung asked me in a smart voice. "Because you're old." I laughed, clicking my seat belt across my chest. "I am not!" Taehyung yelled at me, starting the van. I continued the joke until we left the parking lot.

"Hyung, put your seat belt on." I told him, more serious. "Why should I if I'm gonna die soon anyway since I'm old, hm?" Taehyung joked. "No- all jokes aside, put your seat belt on." I repeated. "Why-" "It's the law, Taehyung. Put your seat belt on." I told him again. He always put his seat belt on. "Its midnight, there's not that many people on the road." He told me.

"Just this once, Kookie."


It was bugging me that Taehyung didn't have his seat belt on, but he was right. We always wore our seat belt, and there really weren't that many cars on the road so late at night.

We reached a red light, and there was this black car that was speeding towards the intersection. They were going way faster than the speed limit, and I actually felt scared. I thought they were going to run the red light, but they didn't, and stopped. "I wonder why they stopped." Taehyung spoke up in a concerned voice. "Maybe they're a new driver and didn't realize how hard they were pressing down on the gas." I suggested. "Maybe."

"Kinda looks like Suga hyung's car."

"Yeah, it kinda does, doesn't it?"

We laughed lightly for no reason, and the light turned green. We had the right-away, and went first. The car across from us sped forward way too early, and my eyes instantly widened as they got way too close.

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