Chapter 23 | Day with Brandon.

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Our drive was silent and I hated it. We usually would talk about the craziest shit in the world. I decided to break the ice, but this iceberg was just too big.

"Are you just gonna ignore me?" I mumbled. Nothing.

I huffed in annoyance and placed my head on the window. I think I slept for a good thirty minutes. When I have finally awoken from my slumber, I noticed that I was not home. I was at Brandon's place. I turned to look at him confusingly as he just shrugged and got out. I got out of the car and paced towards him.

"Why didn't you take me home?" I asked.

"I called Jane, and told her to let your parents know that you're going to be sleeping over," he replied nonchalantly.

I just nodded. He was lying because Jane was on a volleyball trip with her team, so what could be the damn reason he decided to bring me here? We finally walked into the house and it is just as big as Marcus's house, but I knew my way around.

"Go upstairs to my room and wait for me, I'm going to make something for us to eat," he said walking towards the kitchen area.

I walked into his room and me being me, I jumped on the bed and snuggled into the soft comforters. Damn, it may have looked nice, but it reeked of sex and cigarettes. I immediately removed it off me and leaned back against the headboard. I got like super bored and just went on my phone. I was playing among us with one of my good friends, Rosemary. She was the sweetest person in the world. I got imposter like five times. Ugh, I love slashing bodies in half. Teehee. After a good forty minutes, I heard Brandon call from the kitchen.

"Hey. So whatcha making?" I asked entering the dining room. He just ignored me while setting up the table. Good chat aye!

"Sit," he demanded. Damn.....

We both sat super far from each other and dug into our food. HOLY SHIT BRANDON IS A FUCKING CHEF. I moaned as the food attacked my tastes buds. I heard a small cough from the other side of the table. My spoon was in my mouth, making my lips puckered as I stared up at a glaring Brandon? Ummmm...

"So...where are your parents?" I asked noticing that it was awfully quiet.

"They went with Jane on her volleyball trip," he said looking down at his phone. I just gave him a small hum to indicate that I understood his statement.

"You're a really good cook," I say smiling at him, but he wasn't even looking.

"Thanks," he said still looking down at his phone. Rude bitch!

"What did you say?" He asked looking up at me with a raised eyebrow. Oh, shit did I just speak my thoughts. Period.

"Oh..nothing," I said before going back to eating.

We finally finished our dinner and I took both our plates to the sink. He grabbed my hand and refused to make me do it, so I let him. It's not that I was lazy, I just didn't want to anger him.

We proceeded to the living room and just watched a little bit of T.V. UGH who doesn't love a good episode of TVD, because I do. Especially when it's the last episode. RIP STEFAN!! I must have fallen asleep because I was being carried up the stairs. Damn, that's embarrassing!

We finally reached the bedroom and he laid me down on the bed softly. I was half asleep, but I could hear and feel my surroundings. Call me Toph Beifong because I'll seismic sense a bitch from a mile away. After a few minutes passed, I heard the restroom door open, then shuffling from across the room. I felt the bed lower informing me that Brandon was on the bed. Just when I thought he was going to sleep next to me, I felt a few pillows leave the back of my head. I Slightly opened my eyes to see him walking out the door. Damn, he must be pissed.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now