Earning Trust

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Cause there's this thing called skool! And homiework!! (Yes I just merged homie and work, deal with it!) And FWEIIINNNND (Inside joke) problems. Well enjoy the chapter!
Max's POV

It took me quite a while to try and find David. He was trying to fix the damage done from his house.

I turned back into my human form and approached him slowly. He was a fox hybrid with brown hair, emerald green eyes. He usually wears all black.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he looked at me with fear and anger in his eyes. He growled at me. I backed up about three feet. "I won't hurt you again, I promise.." I said.

Though that didn't stop him. He turned into his doc form and lunged at me. I quickly shifted and dodged. He growled more and raked his claws down my side. I howled and saw some other hybrids gather around. Meh pinned me down and was about to take his claws down my stomach before I bit his shoulder and rolled over, pinning him.

I turned back into my human form and said,"Just listen to me, please.." I heard him mutter, "Fine" I allowed him to get up and he used his healing powers to heal both of us. "Well," I started, "After the tsunami Eclipse and I found a raven hybrid and she's really hurt and
I came to find you to try and maybe...heal her..?" I asked, hoping He would agree.

-David's POV- (Wait what?)

I thought for a bit..mabye I should decline after what he did.."Yes," I suddenly blurted out. A smile crept up on Max's face. He shifted and so did I. He ran off then I followed. Did I make the right choice though? To become ones friend again?
Sorry for not updating and such a short chapter! But mabye if I'm in the mood I might do another one.. 😛 anyways that's all for now! Read on my little Nerdies! BAIIIIII!!!!!

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