A Meeting

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Trinity's POV

As I finished telling Eclipse about the dangers that the future will bring, I met up with Xavier for a little meeting.

"Do you think she got the message? Do you think she believed it?" I asked.

"She HAD to have gotten the message, but we have no clue if she believed it or not," Xavier replied.

We just stared at each other for some moments before Xavier broke the silence. "It's good to finally be back with you," He said, smiling.

"Yea..." I trailed off. "After all those years of being alone, I finally get to see you again," I said, patting his head.

Eclipse's POV

After Maxine left, I went into my house and started pacing, trying to make up a plan to get Kim back.

I slammed my fist down on a table, frustrated. I thought we were in a truce! I thought we all agreed that it would always be peace, peace forever. Then, life would be easier, and life would be better.

But noo!

Apparently some dumb humans don't know what we mean by "peace" or "a truce" They just do what they want to do! Life is so, so hard.

Everyone is an enemy.

Trinity's words echoed in my head, nice and bold. "Maybe..maybe Kim became a part of the humans group..and..maybe she's going to help the humans capture us," I muttered to myself.

I ran out the door to Max's house. I busted in without knocking, and found Max sleeping on his couch. "MAX!" I yelled and he woke up. "Say nothing and follow me!" I ordered, walking out and over to David's house, hearing Max's footsteps behind me.

Being calmed down a little, I actually knocked. Within seconds, David opened the door. "Yeah?" He asked. "KIM HAS TURNED ON US AND IS HELPING THE HUMANS CAPTURE US!" I yelled.

"What?!" David yelled, letting us in.
"We need a plan, I stated.

-After Plan making-

"So we got it all down?" Max asked.

"Yep," I answered.

"Now a we have to do is put it in action," David said.

Kim's POV

Ron left the room for a little while, giving me freedom--well, some freedom to do something. I stood there thinking of a plan to get out of here..

I started to peck at the bars of the small cage with my beak, while still trying to come up with a plan...

-1 Hour Later-

Ron came back in, holding a large book covered in a layer of dust. He opened up the book, sending dust particles everywhere, and started to flip through the pages.

"Page 754," He muttered as he flipped through the pages. He did a bit more flipping before stopping on one particular page. "You lied..." He trailed off. "How did you find out?" I asked, panic in my voice.

He lifted the heavy book and showed pointed to a map of Hybrid Island.
"Why did you ask me in the first place?" I asked. "Because I only found this just now," He answered, setting the book down.

He opened up the bird cage and I flew out, turning back into my normal Hybrid self. I stretched all my limbs, happy to be out..wait but why'd he let me out?

He handed me a glass of water. "Drink the water or go back in the cage," He said. I cautiously looked down at the glass, then back at the cage.

Pros and Cons pros and cons...I thought to myself. "Let's see.." I muttered. I suddenly thought of a plan.
I set the glass down onto the floor then turned back into a Raven, acting like I was going to go back in the cage.

But then, I changed directions swiftly and flew as fast as I could out the door. Ron grabbed some sort of needle and ran after me. I flew faster, thinking of the consequences if he caught me.

"Wait.." I said out loud. "Where's the exit?!?" I started panicking before turning back into my human self and continuing on foot, unaware that Ron was right there.

I walked around for a few minutes, noticing I just went on a circle. I groaned, before getting tackled by Ron...I attempted to escape, but then he injected me with this weird blue-black substance. Right at that moment, I suddenly had the urge to do something impossible, something evil....

Suckish ending, I know. But life is hard. I'll make the sequel once school ends which is 5 Days!! Woohoo...Yeah...
So....Anyways that's all for now! Read on my little Nerdies!

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