Spying, Trees, Kidnapping, and Trinity?

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Before I start here...Clarisse is back! And ThePinkEevee is gooonnnee! So yea..Uhm....so....how's life? Or should I just start...yea..okay, got it.
David's POV

Max and I walked to the edge of the island that was still grassy, dragging 4 flowerpots with saplings in them behind us.

When we finally got to the edge of the island, we stood there for a second, and then I shifted, and started to dig a hole where we could plant the sapling. Max shifted and started to dig a hole not too far but not to close to the hole I'm digging.

During or planting of saplings, we made small talk. Although, it was mostly work.

-Time skip to when they finish cause I am waaayyyyyy too lazy to write all that-

When we finished working, we went over to Max's house to hang out, and talk about stuff.

Kim's POV

I sighed as I landed in the village, making sure not to be seen. I thought back to what happened at the meetup, and blushed a little thinking about it.

I sneaked around for a little while until I came upon an abandoned mansion.
I peeked inside before sneaking inside, careful not to make any noise.

After walking around for a while, I heard some noise coming from another room. Walking towards the room, I became more nervous. It was all fine until I got pinned against a wall.

"Your not going anywhere," A raspy voice said as my hands got tied together. "Not today!" I yelled, shifting into a raven and flying off.

Although they were one step ahead of me. They got out bows instead of guns, cause they make less sound. And started firing.

I landed and shifted, running to one of the guys and kicking him in the face. Before one arrow impaled me in my back, I moved to the side, and it ended up hitting the other guy. (A/N So op o3o)

I thought I got them all, but I felt something in my back, and things went blurry. I shifted into a raven and tried to fly off, but ended out fainting. (A/N And yes, she fainted as a raven. Deal with it.)

Eclipse's POV

I looked at the sun as it set, waiting for Kim to get back from her spying. I kept worrying, because she was supposed to be back by now.

Seconds passed, and seconds turned into minutes, which turned into hours.

I sigh, and go back to my house. "Maybe she'll be back tomorow," I mutter before hopping into my bed and falling asleep.


Eclipse...Eclipse...HEY ECLIPSE! Is a I hear until I turn around, and standing there is Trinity. "T-Trinity?" Is all I can say. "Listen, Eclipse," she says. "This is, in fact a dream. But what I am about to tell you is true," she says, a look of worry on her face.

"The hybrids are facing great danger, I can't say what danger, but they are in danger," She says.

Everything starts to get blurry...

"And just remember!" She says. "Everyone is a enemy."

-End Of Dream-

Ya'll must've thought that after the truce, the story would've ended. BUUUUUTT NUUU, ThePinkEevee gave me an idea, and I've decided to use it. So don't worry, this story isn't over...yet.

Anyways that's all for now! Read on my little Nerdies!


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