The Secret Power

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Eclipse's POV

We kept on fighting. I was starting to get tired, and I saw all the other hybrids starting to sweat a lot. The humans must've noticed, because they started fighting harder. I let myself be vulnerable to a few attacks, failing to jump out of the way. "We have to retreat," I thought. " We can't keep this up much longer." Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my calf, and slowly realized I've been shot, again.

Anger welled up inside of me and I let all that anger out by fighting harder. Throwing shadow balls at every human in my sight.

Suddenly, a black cloud surrounded me, getting bigger by the second. I froze in my tracks, not sure what was happening. I heard shouts and gasps around me.

I went and touched the black smoke, and then POP! The cloud surrounding me bust like a bubble.

Everyone-humans and hybrids-got thrown backwards and I saw the humans retreating.
I saw Max stand up and bush himself off. Then he ran off to me.

I had so many thoughts swirling through my mind, and I wanted to tell Max and the lead hybrid all about it.

But I knew I couldn't.

Max's POV

I got knocked back when that blast of shadows occured. That was the most sacred power that thought had stopped generating in hybrids. But apparently Eclipse had that power...a ledgendary power.

I stood up and bushes myself off, and ran over to Eclipse who was staring off into nothingness.

She must be still taking in all that happened. I waved my hand inform of her face and she came back to reality. She looked at all the hybrids standing up and looking at her.

She seemed embarrassed. "Umm, well," I started but was cut off when the lead hybrid flew over to us-she was a raven hybrid-and she started talking to Eclipse, who was still baffled that all of that ever happened.

"What happened?" Eclipse asked both of us. "Well you see, you just preformed the blast of shadows, a legendary power that stopped generating in us hybrids years ago. We thought we would never have a glimpse at that power again," Trinity, the lead hybrid said. "What triggered this do you think?" Eclipse started to speak, "Well, one of those pesky humans shot me in the leg.." She gestured to a bullet wound in her leg. "..and then I started getting angry, and then it happened." I looked over at Trinity. "Could it really be the anger that triggered the blast of shadows?" I asked. "Yes, it could be true, but it is most unlikely," She replied.

I saw Eclipse wince at the pain from her bullet wound and she started to stumble around a bit. "Let's go get that wound cleaned up," I said and started to lead her to my house. "I'll go tend to the others' wounds," I heard Trinity say.

I still had to tell Eclipse something though.
Ohmigosh it took me forever to come up with that chapter..well I hope you enjoyed it. And there's about to be some luuuuv pretty soon..😘 Anyways, that's all for now. Read on my little Nerdies! BAIIII!!!

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