Chapter 32: having...what?

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-a few weeks later-
Grace was still on strict desk duty, this time doctor's orders, and she really wasn't happy about it, but she didn't really have much of a choice.  Unfortunately, this caused a lot of arguments between her and Gibbs and, while they tried to keep it out of the workplace, it wasn't easy.  Finally, one day, Tony gave a suggestion.
"How about you two come on a double date with Mack and I tonight?"
"I don't know, Tony...we're not exactly good company right now"
"Then this is what you two need" Mackenzie replied.  Grace and Gibbs looked at each other, then looked back at the other two.
-that night-
Tony and Mack couldn't help but notice that the other couple was still barely talking to each other, so they decided to implement a plan.
"Hey, Grace, can I talk to you for a sec?" Mackenzie asked, standing.  Though skeptical, the other woman agreed and followed.  Once they were alone, Mack started talking.  "Okay, spill."
"What do you mean?"
"What's going on between you and Gibbs? You all have been worse today than in a while." She replied, and Grace sighed.
"We got into a big fight this morning about when I'd be able to go back into the field, and my hormones escalated and it made things worse.  I don't get it, Mack...I feel like he doesn't trust me to make my own decision about this."
"Now that's ridiculous and you know it.  Remember what he went told me about his first wife and daughter, and I get the feeling he doesn't want that to happen again.  He just wants to keep you safe"
"You're right...god, I'm an idiot.  I've been thinking about myself, and lashing out at him, not even thinking about how he'd be feeling."
"It happens sometimes without the person realizing it.  Just talk to him, okay? Promise me"
"I promise.  Thanks for listening to me"
"That's what friends are for, right?"
Back at the table, Gibbs and Tony were having a similar discussion.
"I try to help her and it makes things worse" Gibbs says.
"It sounds to me like she's used to being independent.  I'm sure she appreciates the help, but doesn't want to be smothered.  Just give her a bit of breathing room and when she's ready, just be there for her"
"When did you get so wise?"
"You've rubbed off on me" Tony replied, and after a minute or two more, the women came back out.  Things were better amongst the group and between Grace and Gibbs again. 
-next morning-
They spent the night talking and worked things out on the way to the 3-month doctors appointment.  A little while after being put in a room, the nurse came in with an ultrasound machine.
"Okay, let's take a look.  Did you two want to know the gender?" She asked, and the couple looked at each other.
"No, we'd rather be surprised."
"Okay, well I'll just skip over that part, then" it was a silent few minutes.  "And we're done.  I'm going to have the doctor come in and talk to you about it and then you're good to go" she left and a few minutes later, the OBGYN came in.
"Well hello there, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs.  Have things been going okay?"
"Well, I've been a little bit stressed lately, but I think things will work out now."
"That's good to hear.  I also wanted to let you know that the babies are doing fine, developing as normal" he replied, and it took a moment for that news to sink in.
" more time?" Gibbs asked. 
"Oh, you two didn't know? It looks like you're having twins." The doctor replied. 

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