Chapter 29: Telling the Team...the hard way

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-next morning-
"I feel like this is becoming a pattern..." Grace remarked as she got ready for work the next morning.  It was the morning of their next fitness evaluations. 
"What do you mean?" Gibbs asked.
"You know, us finding out something or planning something and then telling the team about it...maybe we could...not tell them this time, at least until it becomes necessary..."
"Yeah, we can do that.  As long as you're happy, I'm happy"
"That is the most cliche thing I think I've ever heard you say" she replied with a laugh.
-NCIS gym-
Against her better judgement, Grace paired up with Tony for the first rotation: boxing.
"Dinozzo! You hurt my wife, I hurt you!" Gibbs called from across the gym. 
"Got it, boss!" Tony replied.  For the first few minutes, things were going well.  Then, things got bad...rather quickly.  They were both holding their own pretty well, but then Tony made a bad move with a hard punch to the stomach.  It hurt so much she actually couldn't say a word, just got on her knees on the ground, clutching her stomach.  "Uh oh...I'm dead" he mumbled.
"You'll be more than that after I get through with you, Tony!" She replied angrily.  She tried to stand, but she just went back down.  "Gibbs!" She yelled, clearly in pain.  Within seconds, he ran to her side. 
"What happened?" He asked, concerned, then looked at Tony.  "What did you do?"
"Nothing that should hurt that bad!"
"He punched me in the stomach!" She said at the same time Tony replied. 
"McGee! Get over here!" Gibbs said.  "Take her out of here and find her somewhere to sit"
"But, boss-"
"Just do it!"  Once she was safely out of the way, Gibbs turned to Tony.  "You're an idiot..."
"But, boss-"
"Jethro, take it easy on him! Remember, he doesn't know!" Grace called.
"What don't I know?" Tony asked.  Gibbs turned his back on him, then turned back around and punched him square in the jaw. 
"She's pregnant" he replied, deathly quiet.  Tony paled when he got that news.  Then, Gibbs stood back up and went back to her side.  "You okay?"
"Yeah...pain is easing up.  You okay?"
"I am now" was all he said.  She shook her head at him but understood. 
"But, what's going on?" McGee asked, tired of being out of the loop.
"McGee, I'll go ahead and tell you...may as well, since Tony knows now...I'm pregnant."
"Oh...ooh...and he...yikes" was all McGee could say. 
"Sorry about that, newbie...I mean, uh...Mrs. Boss...I didn't know or I wouldn't have hit there" Tony said, coming over to them.  Gibbs was still glaring at him, but a soft hand on his shoulder and a stern look from his wife stopped the glare.
"It's okay, Dinozzo.  Honest mistake.  Just, next time...don't aim there.  Aim for the arm or the never know what a woman could be going through"
"Duly noted" he replied, then smiled slightly.  "Want a water?"
"No, thanks. I'm good.  Don't be a kiss up either - I'm not angry at you...but don't change that either"

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