Chapter 21: When They Find Me

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"Ducky? Call Gibbs." She said, standing up. 
"Remember when we were held hostage in autopsy? I see the man responsible.  Please, just call Gibbs."
"You know, kidnapping me wasn't your brightest move.  Eventually, agent Gibbs is going to find me and kill you where you stand."
"And how, pray tell, will he do that?"
"I'm sure he'll find a way."
After that phone call, the tension at the office got worse.  Gibbs was more determined than ever.  Unfortunately, the trace didn't do much good - the best they could do was within a 50 mile radius in a forest area.  Gibbs told McGee to keep trying while himself and Tony went to the area to see if there was any sign of life. 
-a few hours later-
Gibbs almost gave up when they saw a lone barn house amidst the trees.  They both took off running towards the house, both of them hopeful.  When they got to the house, Gibbs didn't waste any time and kicked the door in, and both of them started searching.  Then, they both heard a voice from the back yard of the house. 
"I'm here!" It sounded just like...they both ran through the house and outside and there, tied to a tree, was Grace. 
"Where is he?" Tony asked as Gibbs started working on untying her. 
"I'm not sure...he left me here, probably to die...I never thought I'd be so glad to see you guys..." she replied, trying to help get herself untied the best she could.  Once she was free, Gibbs took her into his arms. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling back slightly to look at her. 
"I am now...I'm sorry, I knew better than to go anywhere without backup, but..."
"Hey, no need to apologize.  I'd have done the same thing.  The important thing now is that we found you, and you're safe.  Come on, lets get out of here so we can get you patched up"
-back at HQ-
"Okay, lets see what we can do" Ducky said as he started looking at Grace's injuries, Gibbs standing a few feet away.  She winced as he inspected the bruise and tried to clean her split lip the best he could.  "Well, it doesn't look like you need any stitches, but just try to keep it clean the best you can.  As for the bruise, just keep it iced."
"Thanks, Ducky..." she said quietly. 
"You're quite welcome.  I also recommend you take the rest of the day off - you've been through a lot, and I'm sure the fatigue will set in sooner rather than later."
"I'll take her home, doc, you don't have to worry about that" Gibbs said from his spot.  Grace was going to argue, but then saw the look on his face.
"Yeah, okay." She said, getting up off the autopsy table.  They both went to the elevator and when it opened and they went in, Gibbs hit the emergency switch, halting it.  "Gibbs?" She said, looking at him confused. 
"Are you really okay?" He asked, looking right at her.  Now that they were alone, he wanted to see for sure.
"I-I'm scared...what if this happens again, and next time its worse?" She asked. 
"We're going to make sure that doesn't happen."
"The only way we make sure of that is if someone is with me 24/7..."
"Well, we do live together, so I don't think that'll be a problem.  As for work, we'll make sure you are with somebody.  You're not alone, okay?" She nodded her head in reply, and he took her into his arms again.  "I was so worried about you...didn't think I'd see you again..." she heard him say, and she buried her head in his shoulder, showing him that she was there.  After they both took a minute or two, they separated and he hit the switch to turn the elevator back on.  When they went back into the main corridor, they saw a woman there talking to Tony.
"Can I help you?" Gibbs asked, and the woman turned.
"Are you agent Gibbs?" She asked, and he nodded. 
"Then yes, you can.  My name is Ziva David - I'm with Mossad."
"And why, exactly, are you here?" Grace asked, trying to be polite but where she was so stressed, it wasn't exactly easy.
"I'm here to find my brother...Ari Aswari..."
to be continued...

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