Chapter 12: the misfire part 2

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Ok I feel better now that I'm putting this one up...

-next morning-
After a restless night at home, Gibbs woke up exhausted and headed downstairs for coffee.  He wondered how Grace was during the night.  He hurried to get dressed before heading to HQ for one thing before going to the hospital - that picture that sat on her desk of the two of them.  When he got to the hospital, he stopped at the ICU registration desk.
"Any updates on special agent Williams? I'm her partner, special agent Gibbs" he had to smile a bit at that - it was technically true, and the man at the desk didn't need to know any specifics.
"Let me find a nurse for you to take you to her room." The man replied.  After a few minutes, the doctor actually came to speak to Gibbs.
"Special agent Gibbs, you're here early."
"Got an update for me, doc?" Gibbs asked. 
"Well, she made it through the night with no problems, so things are looking a bit better, but she's still critical.  I can take you to see her and you can spend a little more time with her." Once again, Gibbs followed him down the hall into the room, and he could see that she did look slightly better, she wasn't as pale as the night before.  "She's a fighter, agent Gibbs.  Just hold on to that" the doctor said before leaving him be.  Just like the night before, Gibbs went to her bedside, but this time he didn't touch her. 
"You certainly look better today.  Looks like some rest was all you needed.  I brought something over for you" he took the picture out of his bag and put it on the bedside table.  He talked to her for several hours until the early afternoon hours.  "I still don't understand why you risked your life to save me, but I want you to know that I'm not mad at you for it.  I also want you to know that I'd do the same for you, because...I love you" he finally said, and when he looked at her, it was a pure miracle - her eyes were open and she was looking at him. 
"Baby? Can you hear me?" He asked, and she slowly nodded her head yes.  He ran outside the room.  "She's awake! I need some help" he said and the doctor and nurse came running in.  He was forced to leave the room but that didn't matter to him - she was awake, and that is what mattered to him the most.  After a few minutes, the doctor came out with a smile.
"Well, she's beaten the odds - I don't know what you said, but it worked.  Try to keep her from talking a lot so her throat can rest from being on a ventilator.  If all is well, we'll be moving her to a regular room in the next couple of days." Gibbs nodded and went back into the room and saw her looking back at him. He went to her side and grasped her hand, so happy to feel her grasp his hand in return.
"It's so good to see you with your open eyes, your beautiful blue open eyes" Gibbs said lovingly.  She smiled slightly, then pointed to a nearby cup with a little bit of water.  He nodded and placed a straw in the water and brought it over to her.  After taking a few sips, she nodded and he placed the cup back on the counter. 
"Jethro...I love you too" she said softly, knowing she didn't need to talk much.  He gently placed his free hand on the side of her face, and she nuzzled into his hand
"Your voice is the most beautiful thing I've heard...I thought I was never going to hear it again" he said, his own voice cracking from the emotions threatening to make themselves known.  She let go of his hand, only to outstretch her arm in silent invitation, and he didn't need to be asked twice.  He lowered the bed rail and climbed into the bed next to her, mindful of the wires she was still attached to.  He put his head on her chest, her heartbeat soothing him while he put his arms around her waist.  For the second time in 24 hours, he cried, but this time it was relief, that the woman he loved was still with him.  She started rubbing his back soothingly and reassuring him that she wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime soon.

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