Chapter 23: From Problem to...Proposal??

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"...come again?" Grace said, alarmingly calm. Tony and Tim even stood up at this point - they didn't know either.
"Do I really have to repeat myself? What, you thought that he was only married once before he met you? That's a laugh - try 4" Diane replied, and Grace's glare towards Gibbs was almost murderous.
"You have one chance to explain yourself...I don't care if you had other relationships before me, that's none of my business. But do I need to worry about the other two ex wives coming in and out of the picture?" She asked, looking right at him.
"You shouldn't even have to worry about this one, but she decided to rear her head into this"
"Don't put the blame on someone else, just answer the question" she said, looking him straight in the eye. When all she got was silence, she just shook her head. "I'll be back..." she said quietly as she left the room, heading towards the back stairs.
"Let me go talk to her" Fornell said.
"Why you?"
"Gibbs, lets be'd be better if someone outside of the relationship you two have to go talk to her about the mutual ex wife. Just let me handle it"
Grace was leaning against the wall, struggling to keep it together. Soon, she heard footsteps behind her.
"Gibbs, please...I don't want to talk about it"
"Well good, because I'm not Gibbs and I do." Tobias said.
"Why should I listen to you?" She asked.
"Because I can tell you how he was before he met Diane, maybe help shed some light into his past."
"Fine...go ahead" she replied and he proceeded to tell her about the shape he was in after he lost his first wife, Shannon. He was in a very bad place, even contemplating ending his own life. The other marriages he had fell apart because he was still hurting from Shannon.
" see, I think he's finally not hurting anymore, and I think you may have something to do with it."
"Me? But how?"
"Because you don't hold anything against him...even the fact that he's been married before. Even Diane did that to him. Why do you think she ended it with him, same with the others?"
"I hadn't thought of god...I talked to him so badly, and just left...Tobias, what do I do?"
"Just go talk to him, kid. That's what he wants. Don't let something as dumb as his ex wife come between you two."
"Thanks, Fornell...I'm going to go talk to him."
"Go for it, kid" he replied, waiting outside while she went back in to try to patch things up.
Meanwhile, she went to his desk, first looking around to make sure that Diane wasn't around, then grabbed a chair. He was working, and was barely looking at her.
"We can do this all day or you can actually look at me..."she said. He finally looked up at her. "Come with me" she said, and he followed her to the elevator, where she hit the emergency switch as soon as the doors closed. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have acted like that...I did exactly what the others did, and I shouldn't have done that." She said, looking at him. "I'm ashamed of myself, and I understand if you are angry with me, I deserve it, but-" she didn't get a chance to finish before he kissed her. It was quick, and before too long, he pulled away from her.
"You were rambling" he whispered. "I can never stay mad at you...and I'll always forgive you. I love you..."
"I love you too, Jethro Gibbs"
"However, if I could change one thing..."
"What is it?"
"Maybe...your last name"
"Are you...doing what I think you're doing?"
"Maybe I am...Grace Williams..." he got down on one knee. "I don't have a ring yet, I was waiting for your answer...but, I've been thinking about doing this for a long time...will you marry me?" He finally asked.
"Gibbs...yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" She replied with a bright smile.

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