Chapter 3: Abby making matches!

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As she made some coffee, he flipped through the pages of her health records, then stopped dead in his tracks.  She knew by the lack of papers moving that he'd found it.  She sighed and got down two mugs and poured the finished coffee into them.  She placed one next to him and then sat across from him with her mug. 
"Go ahead, say it.  I know you're going to..." she said, focusing on the tiles on her floor. 
"What is this? explain it to me"
"Fine...I started having problems with my monthly about a year ago...finally got someone to do an ultrasound and that's when they saw that..."
"Do you have any other doctors appointments that relate to this?"
"One in about a month, actually.  Just a follow up to see if it's advanced anymore. I'm kind of confused, Gibbs.  Why are you so worried about this?" She asked.
"Well, you're a member of my team.  If you're sick, I want to know about it so I can take the proper steps." He replied.  They looked at each other for a little while, then his phone rang.  "Yeah, Gibbs" after a few minutes, he hung up.  "Come on, we've got a break in the case.  Want a ride to HQ?"
"Sure, why not" she said with a slight smile as they left her apartment. 
By silent agreement, Gibbs did not say anything about what he found out this morning.  They arrived, then went down to the lab.  The first thing she heard was hard rock music. 
"Oh my gosh! How does whoever work down here listen to music this loud?" She said as they went through the lab doors.
"Your guess is as good as mine." Gibbs replied as he turned it down.
"Hey! Come on, Gibbs.  I was listening to that" the lab person said.  Grace noticed something right away - goth.  That actually explained a lot to her. 
"Abby, this is Grace Williams, newest member of the team, former KSP detective.  Williams, this is Abby Schuito, our forensic expert"
"Nice to meet you, Abby" she said
"Likewise" Abby replied with a smile.  "So, Gibbs..." and then she started talking about what she'd found.  After relaying the information, they turned to leave when Abby spoke up again.  "Actually, Grace, could you stay for a minute? I want to talk to you"
"Uh, sure.  Gibbs, you mind?" She asked, turning to him.
"Be back up there in 5" he said as he was leaving.
"He really does like you.  You know that, right?" Abby asked when they saw him leave.
"Abby, I kind of figured that when he told me he hired me because of my detective skills, but-"
"No, you don't get it.  He really likes you" Abby interrupted.  Grace's face turned red.
"Wait, you in..."
"That's exactly what I mean.  I saw how close he was standing to you, how he'd glance your way."
"Abby, you do realize that it could have just been him making sure I was paying attention"
"Nah, I don't think that was it.  I wouldn't think too much of that, though.  Have you noticed anything?" She asked.  Grace hesitated, then spoke. 
"Well, there is one thing..."
"Well, come on, say it" Abby prodded.
"I woke up this morning - had a weird dream, don't ask - went downstairs and he was sitting at my coffee table...has he ever done that before?"
"Wow, that's a new one from Gibbs.  Yeah, I'd keep an eye on that." Then, Grace's phone rang.
"Williams...has it been 5 minutes already?...yeah, I'm, don't send him down, I'm headed out the lab doors now" she said before hanging up and turning to Abby.  "That was Tony.  Apparently, Gibbs keeps track of time.  Gotta go."
"Ttyl my friend" Abby called as she left, then shook her head with a smile.  "This is gonna be fun..."

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