Chapter 13

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As I’m going in and out of sleep, one thing is the main thing I know: burning. Its a lot like the first time I ever phased, only the sensation of relief after finally phasing for the first time doesn’t come. Its just… burning. A fire, constantly in my veins.

I think I dream. Somehow deep inside I know the bloodsuckers are taking care of me. If I had been awake that would have made me smirk.. the fact that me being hurt has them worried.

You know that feeling when your asleep, that your still asleep but you can hear everything that’s going on around you? You know you’re asleep but you don’t want to wake up just yet?

Yeah, that’s the feeling I had for hours. Only instead of wanting to stay asleep, I kept trying to wake myself up.

That’s what I’m feeling right now. I try to open my eyes and Renesme’s face pops into my mind. My heart contracts and she’s all I can think about. I know I need to open my eyes… for her. For Renesme. But for some reason I can’t open them.

I try as hard as I can but no matter what I do my eyes won’t open and all I can feel is that fire inside me. Burning every part of me. Somewhere deep in my head I wonder if this is what it feels like to turn into a vampire.

Renesme… I think. I’m sorry. The burning continues and I think maybe this is it. The thought that I won’t be around to protect her any more haunts me.

I can only hope Edward is nearby to hear me.

Tell her that she meant everything to me. That I’m sorry for leaving her. Take care of her, Edward.

With that, darkness and burning take over me again.

Slowly, the blackness fades to grey, then keeps fading until all I can see is white. The white blurs then, blurring so it seems to form shapes. The fire is still burning inside me, so I try to concentrate on the shapes forming as my eyes open.

Embry is on my right, I notice him first. The good doc is on my left. I can feel something raw and foreign in my blood and the deep sense that something is wrong.

“Renesme—“ I choke.

“She’s fine, Jacob. Right now we need to focus on you,” doc murmurs quietly.

“How…how long?” I ask, almost hesitating.

“We don’t know. We have no idea the effects this will have on your body. This has never happened before.. That we know of. We are doing research,” the doc explains.

I nod, just barely. I’m so tired and I want to sleep, but more than anything I want to spend time with Renesme… just in case…

If Edward can hear my thoughts for the first time he’s not acting like it. I decide to ask out loud. “Can I see Renesme?” My voice sounds hoarse.

Doc nods. Within seconds Bells walks in with Renesme in front of her. My heart races at finally getting to see her.

“Jake!” the little girl squeals, tears running down her face. Even though she looks six or seven, her mind is a whole lot smarter than that. It felt so wrong lying to her, but if I was dying…and I probably was…I couldn’t tell her that.

I hug her as tight as I can. She touches my cheek and shows me pictures in my mind, letting me know how worried she is. She’s wondering if I’ll be okay.

“Nessie… I—I’m gonna be okay,” I murmur to her quietly.

“Jacob, I need to have a word with you,” Doc says.

I nod and hand Nessie to Bells as she zips outta the room.

“So whats it look like doc?” I ask, sighing.

“I’m not sure Jacob. All I know at this point is that the bite wound hasn’t healed. Once you get stronger it would be wise to cut your hand to make sure you will still heal. I have put an IV in you to try and get out the venom.”

I swallow hard, but nod anyway.

“We do know that she didn’t mean to bite you. Edward and Jasper told us she runs simply on her emotions. That her emotions dictate which side she acts more like; human or vampire. Seth and her have inprinted.”

“What?!” I yell, unable to hold back my surprise.

“She’s just like Renesme, Jacob,” doc murmurs.

I nod again. “So if Nessie had bitten me this would have happened to?” I ask.

“We think so. It could just be because Avalon is so different. We aren’t sure,” he replies.

“Could it be ‘cause she’s only half a bloodsucker?”

Emmett, who was leaning on the doorway, smirks.

“Again, that’s another possibility but we’re not entirely sure. At this point we’re just trying to get more information and guessing.”

“Oh. Great,” I mutter sarcastically.

“So how are you feeling Jacob?” doc asks.

I glance at Emmett. “Little weak. Lightheaded. I can feel that there’s something wrong,” I explain.

Doc nods.

Someone clears their throat at the door. I look up.

It’s Avalon.

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