Chapter 5

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My anger toward Avalon grew and grew until I couldn't contain it anymore. I felt a strong burst of hate coarsing through my veins. To try and ease that, I hunted, I killed. Nothing, not even the distraction of blood could keep her name from running through my mind.

I ran, I moved, not even the relief at leaving our old town could erase the memories of her. I could still smell her everywhere I went. I could still see her in everything I saw everyday. Her...goodness, her instinct, her humanity, her wisdom and age, her experience, her life, her memories she shared with me, her past, her old friends.....her lies.

All of it ran over and over in my mind, like a repeated sequence of data running through my head. I could see all of it, but my mind couldn't comprehend all of it. Every time I thought of her, especially her and I...together...I killed.

I killed and I killed, hunted, fed, hurt, destroyed and hunted, searched....I got with other women, lured the human girls away, killed them too and still....It was her face I saw when I'd close my eyes. After weeks, I suddenly thought of the one group who could see what I wanted. Not only see and understand it, but acomplish it. I wasn't as old as some of the leaders, but I was smart. I knew I'd have to offer them something, something they wanted badly. They hated anything that could have power, anything that could be a threat to them.

Which meant they would kill Avalon. Just like I hoped they would. That's why I'm here now. I wipe all arrogance off my face and I enter their chamber.

I stare into the eyes of the Voltorri.

"Jex, how wonderful of you to come!" Aro shouts in the delight.

"Aro, it is very good to see you again as well," I reply in respect. "However, I have to tell you....I am here to warn you."

"So this isn't just a fun-filled visit, then?" he asks.

"No. I know someone who could be a threat to you," I start, in the most pleasant voice I can manage.

"And to prove your loyalty you decided to share this information with us willingly? How precular. I wonder...what it is you might gain..." Aro wonders.

"Just seeing you finish her..." I let my voice trail off.

"Aah. Understandable. You have a discord with this person?" he asks me.

I nod. "I also have more than just that to, uh...bring to the table," I add.

He looks at me and gestures for me to explain. "My ability..." I start. "Well, it's better if I show you," I tell him.

"Ooh! Please do!" he shouts, clapping his hands. He stand up off his throne and walks toward me, hand extended. I smile and give him my hand. Surprise is plain on his face. He lets go and looks at me. "Hmm. I have only seen one other with an ability quite like that. One must wonder..."

"I'm not like other person," I say.

He looks at me, again slightly surprised.

"Anyone who tries to use their powers against me, even ones that don't deal with the mind, I can take the powers away," I explain.

"Anyone? Only when they use powers against you?" he asks, unable to hide his curiousity.

"Anyone with an ability, and anytime. I can feel that they have a power, and can take it away...I just can't sense what it is," I explain.

"But you know someone who can?" Aro asks me, inclining his head.

"Her name is Avalon. She's blind, but she can sense others around her, their intentions...their powers..." I shrug.

"Intentions?" he asks. "Very interesting."

"She's a hybrid," I tell him.

He exchanges a glance with Cias and Marcus, then looks back at me.

"Is she now?"

"And one other thing," I start.

"What's that?" he asks, genuinely ciuors now.

"She's with the cullens."

"Well, then we can't simply let that go, brothers, can we?"

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