Chapter 15

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Dedication to: Starlighttwinklee! This chapter goes out to you! Thanks for all the support everyone! Hope you like it :)


"Interesting. Very.. interesting indeed. Yet, so amusing," I say, staring at an old enemy of mine. The thought that he would even have the nerve to approach us and still remain unafraid is beyond me.

"Aro, still holding onto the past, are we?" Aelius asks, walking in a circle, glaring at my throne.

I smile cruelly, revealing none of my thoughts to him.

"So, are you interested or not, Aro?" he asks, taking a moment to pause in his pacing.

"Interested, yes," I answer, keeping my eyes trained on his face. "But first... let's see for ourselves, shall we?" I ask. I walk up to him and extend my hand.

He hesitates for a second.

"If you want my help, dear Aelius, you must take my hand," I say. I know I have him trapped.

He gets a glare in his eye, but nothing else to show his hostility. I take his hand.

I see her face in his mind. After many many years of her name and face never even crossing my mind, to see his memories of her and how he kept her inprisioned is a shock. I see a young, protective vampire that crossed her path many times. He kept an eye on her all this time. I see a conversation that boy had with Aelius. I can see the information he wanted... I see the threat the boy gave. Its caused a great problem Aelius needs to be rid of. Aelius' reputation is in danger. However, he knew, given our past, that I would never help him and I certainly would never worry about fixing his reputation. He knew the boy was looking for a new member of our guard... and that that is the reason Aelius thought to come to me. He knew I would do something about it to protect my own.

Even against an old enemy of mine, such as Aelius.

I let go of his hand. "I see."

"If you're wondering about his connection to her, he's her brother," Aelius says, smiling cruely.

"Why is this a danger to any of us, Aelius?" I ask, only wanting to see how he will answer.

"He's looking for the newest member of your guard, Aro. I would think you and your brothers would protect your own... Even new ones," he explains.

"Brother, if this one comes after one of us he comes after all of us," Caius points out.

"Yes. Yes. Marcus, you agree dear brother?" I ask, turning toward him.

He offers a slight incline of his head.

"Very well Aelius. I will do this one favor for you and that's it. We will take care of the boy, I assure you," I tell him.

"Good," he says with a grin.

"Now, tell us Aelius, why were you not able to catch the boy?" Caius asks in a demanding tone.

Aelius glares his direction.

"Now, come come dear brother. I'm sure Aelius has a good reason," I say, grinning.

He turns to glare at me. "He has something on me that could ruin my reputation. And I don't have his sister to threaten him with to keep him away," he adds, glancing at me. He shows me a cruel smile.

I don't show him that his words have a deep effect on me.

"How would this benefit us, Aelius?" Caius asks, glaring back at him.

"One, you protect your newest member. Two, I'm sure he has a lot of information that could be of some use to all of us," he explains.

"When we take care of him, it would only be fair that any information we aquire from him stays with us," I say sweetly.

Aelius glares back at me. I have him again.

"He has an ability I'm sure you'd be very interested in, Aro," he says suddenly.

I give him a questioning look.

He offers his hand, so I take it. Once again, I look at all his past thoughts.

The boy, Aelius knew his name was Ryder, stood in the doorway. Aelius back was turned to Ryder at first.

"Why, Ryder... How odd of you to come visit me after all these years. I would have thought the next time you visited me would be to strike me down... Considering what I did to your sister," Aelius said.

"I want information. And you're going to give it to me," Ryder hissed at him.

"What makes you think that?" Aelius asked, chuckling as he finally turned to face the young half-blood.

"I've kept an eye on my sister. You know I can feel what she feels. I know what you did to her, Aelius. And I know what you're hiding down there. More importantly who you're hiding," Ryder threatened.

Aelius thoughts flared; it was the first time anyone had even dared talk to him that way.

"What do you want to know, boy?!" he demanded.

"Jex. I know you've been watching my sister. Ever since Aro rescued her from you, you've kept eyes on her. You couldn't bear the fact that Aro raised a hand against you, that even as a human he had more power than you ever could. The fact you can't get Avalon back angers you even more."

"You'd better watch yourself boy," Aelius warned. It was a simple statement; not even said in anger. Although his thoughts said otherwise.

"Jex, companion to my sister, I want him."

"You want me to tell him where they're at?" Aelius asked in a purely innocent voice, knowing full-well that's not what Ryder wanted.

"I can feel wherever my sister's at; I don't need you for that, Aelius!" Ryder snapped at him.

Aelius smiled. "Then, please." Aelius gestured outward with his hand, and took a seat in a chair, drinking wine mixed with blood.

"You find a way for me to get rid of Jex. I want him dead. I'm sure you know what happens if you don't."

Aelius glared at Ryder as he walked out the door. When he knew Ryder couldn't hear him anymore, he threw the wine glass into the fire, making the flames burst even higher.

Breathing hard, he tried to control his rage.

"Ahhh. Interesting. Most interesting," I say, letting go of his hand and taking a step back.

"What is it, brother?" Marcus asks me.

"It seems Aelius' problem has the ability to connect with his dear sister. He can find her wherever she's at," I say, looking at my brothers and smiling.

"So you see the benefits to the Voltorri wouldn't just be protecting your newest member. With Ryder you could get his sister, and she's with the Cullens. Imagine the new ability's you would add to your numbers, Aro," Aelius says.

My brothers look at me and smile. I sit back on my throne in between them and look at Aelius.

"We will do this for you, Aelius. In return we believe it would only be fair if you would stay away from our...future new members," I tell him.

"Ryder, the Cullens... and Avalon are off-limits," he replies, bowing to us.

Perhaps he was right. This will lead Avalon back to me.

One can only hope.

Shadowed SpiritOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz