Chapter 12

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All I’ve ever wanted to do was protect Avalon. She means the world to me and despite the fact that she doesn’t’ know me I kno her. I have always kept an eye on her and never left her for a second.

I have confronted Jex a thousand times, had a thousand fights. He’s almost killed me. the one time I had my chance—I felt her. Deep down I could feel that she truly loved him. So I let him go. For that reason and that reason alone.

My power has always been to feel and sense anything about my sister. Once I learned it, honed it in, I even learned how to feel where she was.

And I could never do anything to hurt her. Until I hear that I am already too late. Jex has gotten to her…and hurt her in the worst way even remotely imaginable.

She would have been fine…with a child. She is a hybrid and I have seen this time and time again. It’s the thought that he….touched her…That she was going to have his child and yet he still had the nerve to beat her…

Its unimaginable.

I storm off and head for his house. I know I shouldn’t have listened in to her and Esme, but she was crying and I wanted so desperately to help her...Considering I was the one to upset her in the first place. Hearing her cry like that—nearly broke my heart.

Avalon runs completely on her emotions—and not just the typical way girls usually do. No, this is because of her blindess, her power…We’re both half of something but for her which half she acts like is determined soley on her emotions.

When the hunter comes out…

She cannot control herself.

Which I guess is a small part of why I’m so protective of her.

I only listened in to her and Esme’s conversation enough to learn how Jex beat her so badly…That he caused her to lose the child.

“Ryder is right to hate Jex so much,” Avalon sobs. That is what makes my decision final.

I run with all the speed I can muster and end up at Jex’s house within seconds.

I don’t bother knocking I just go right on in. I know that he will already know I’m here before I open the door. When I step into the living room though, Jex’s is not the scent I smell.

A very tall, very tan, young man is standing in the living room. It looks like he had just been searching through things seconds before. That is, until he sees me. His muscles get all tense and he stares at me through narrowed eyes.

“Who are you?” he demands.

“I could ask you the same thing,” I say, crossing my arms.

“I’m Seth. I’m here looking for Jex,” he says. The way he says Jex’s name…. It’s the way I have said Jex’s name before. Like it is a poison on my tongue.

“Why?” I demand.

He crosses his arms.

I take a step forward and narrow my eyes even more. “Why?” I ask again.

His jaw tightens. “He’s after my girlfriend Avalon. Satisfied?”

I flinch involuntarily. Girlfriend?! “I’m her brother. Ryder,” is all I can say in reply. My voice sounds like I’m speaking through a tunnel.

“Her brother?” Seth asks in pure disbelief.

“Yes. I’m leaving. And—“ I pause a moment to think about what I’m going to say. The need to hurt this…. This boy that she just met…. The need to protect her overpowers me and words spill out of my mouth before I can stop them.

“And I’m taking her with me,” I snap at him.

He starts shaking and seems to almost… growl at me. I get in a crouch and hiss at him. I’m seconds from attacking him when there is a full-blood vampire in my face, standing between Seth and I.

“Seth,” he says. “Go home, go to Avalon, alright?”

Seth looks at the vampire for a few seconds. Finally, his whole body transforms as he races out the door. Ah. A werewolf.

The full-blood vampire turns back to me. “Avalon is a part of our family now. It would be cruel to tear her apart from Seth now. I swear to you, we will protect her as if she was our family by blood. You’re welcome to stay with us…However, you cannot be causing trouble with Seth or anybody else.”

I glare at him and can’t help but hiss. “You don’t order me around, full-blood.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” he says simply.

His calm attitude… I want to rip it right off his face.

“I would rather not fight you if I don’t have to. I’m sure we can come to a reasonable conclusion?” he asks.

I grit my teeth but nod slowly. “Fine, full-blood, have it your way. But I warn you: she’s my sister and I decide what’s best for her,” I snap right before running out of the house.

I don’t stop until I reach an old ally of Jex’s.

He too, is also a full-blood vampire. With his back to me, he claps his hands.

“Why, Ryder… How odd of you to come visit me after all these years. I would have thought the next time you visited me would be to strike me down… Considering what I did to your sister,” his voice croons.

“I want information. And you’re going to give it to me.”

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