Chapter 6

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As soon as I knew Seth had taken Avalon out of the area so I could relax, I ran to the house. I was there within miliseconds. That's where I am now, reading Carlise's thoughts, Jacob's, Bella's, Renesme's...And trying not to think about what might happen if Jacob...if he dies--

No! I think to myself firmly. We can't think that way.

Jacob groands. But it's only fact, I argue with myself. I shake my head and try not to think about Jacob as dying. "There has to be a way we can suck the venum out without getting more inside him,"  I answer to one of Carlise's thoughts.

"Jake!" Renesme cries, trying to come into the room.

Bella stares at her helplessly.

"Bella," I say.

What will it do to her if he--

"Bella," I interupt her thoughts, more sternly this time. She finally looks up at me. "Take Renesme," I murmur.

She nods, as if just waking up from a bad dream. She carries a crying Renesme out of the room. I only stare after them for a milisecond before looking back at Jacob. Shouldn't he be deady by now? Carlise wonders.

"Could it be because she's only half vampire?" I ask.

"It's hard to tell. I need to hook up an IV and clean out his blood. Trouble is, he heals too fast. The IV wound would heal before I would even have a chance to get the venum out," Carlise explains.

"The bite," I say.

"What?" Carlise asks, glancing up at me, his thoughts elsewhere.

"The bite. It hasn't healed yet," I point out.

Carlise puts a hand on Jacob's neck. "It could be because that's where the venum was injected," he suggests.

"Try the IV," I urge.

He hesitates.

"Carlise, we don't have a choice," I say desperately. It seems to be an agonizingly slow process while Carlise hooks up the IV. Jacob's breathing has slowed a little, and he's dreaming now. Completely unconsious.

Finally, he's got the IV completely put in. When I look at the clock, not even two minutes has gone by.

"So? Is it workin'?" Emmett asks from the doorway, arms crossed.

"He isn't healing," Carlise says.

"What?" Emmett asks, surprise plain on his face.

"At least that will give the IV a chance to work," Carlise pointso ut.

"Now what?" Alice asks, standing right beside Emmett. I know the answer to that before Carlise says it:

"Now? We wait," he answers.

"Is that a good thing? That he isn't healing fast?" Emmett asks.

That, none of us know the answer to.

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