Shadowed Spirit

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He was after me. I could sense it. I guess you could say i knew when he was close to getting me. I fougth him, tried to get away, but he was stronger than me. I knew that. I knew it was no use but I had to try.

Now, everything is foggy. I can't hardly breathe, I can't think, I'm shaking. I shouldn't have left him. I know that now. Despite the feelings inside me screaming that it was the right thing to do, I still regret it.

Flashes come into my head so fast it's unbelieveable. Memories of him hit me so hard i can't breathe. Memories of him cutting me, stabbing me...The pain in my chest dulls slightly. I'm going numb, which is not a very good thing.

Off in the distance I hear voices. "I smell blood..." a deep, male voice says.


"No, Bella. He's fine. Don't you smell it?" a different man's voice asks. I could sense he was very powerful.

"Yeah. It somehow. Why?" a girl's voice asks. The first guy who spoke can control emotions.  I am more powerful than he is. The second is a mind-reader, very powerful too. I can't sense the girl for some reason. Instantly, i think of the pain when they get closer; I don't want him picking up too much about me from my thoughts. I should be healing by now. Why is it going numb?

"Is she alright?" the girl, "Bella" asks.

"She's not human. Her blood smells off. She's unconsious, but she can still hear us. She only can't answer us," the mind-reader answers.

"She isn't panicing...only worried and nervous," the emotion-controler says. Instantly, I feel calm. i am no longer worried or nervous that he might be in the area. I know i should be nervous or scared about these newcomers, but i'm not.

"Should we take her back to the house?" Bella asks.

"She could be dangerous. We don't know anything about her--" the emotion-controler starts.

"Renesme," Bella whispers.

the mind-reader cuts her off. "She doesn't seem to be a danger to us."

"Whoever did this to her--" the emtion-control warns.

"She needs to hdie form him," Bella point out. Voices blur together and i can' tmake much out. i try not to think about him, but i can't help seeing him, watching him kiss me, feeling the ferrified feeling i got when i left, feeling the horror when i knew he was after me.

"It couldn't hurt to have Carlise look at her, make sure she's going to be alright," the mind-reader says.

"You...really..." Voices blur even more and i can't hear anything. Blackness pulls me in so deep i can't find my way out.

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