Chapter 21

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While Bella is taking Renesme hunting, to take my mind off of the worry, I go and sit with Jacob. His thoughts are in a dream-state, so I tune him out and think about other things. After a few minutes, he groans and I realize it’s out loud. When I turn to look at him, his eyes are open.

“Jacob!” I say, smiling.

“Look who’s happy to see me,” he murmurs with a slight smirk.

Yep. He’s back.

“How are you feeling?” I ask him.

“A bit groggy, but the burning is gone,” he answers.

“Does it still feel like something is wrong?” I ask.

“A little bit, but it’s not as intense as it was before.”

I can’t help my smile. When Bella and Renesme get back we will have at least some good news.

My smile instantly turns into a frown. Perhaps Jacob can take Renesme and leave. My heart aches at the very thought, but… What choice do we have?

“I hear someone is awake,” Carlisle says, stepping into the room.

“Yep. Congrats doc. Whatever you did helped,” he says. As Carlisle checks his vitals, Jacob’s eyes close and he gets a troubled look on his face.

Something is wrong.

“Jacob?” Carlisle asks.

He is in so much pain he can’t even speak. But I hear his thoughts. Where is Renesme? he thinks.

“Bella took her out hunting about an hour ago,” I answer him. “Why, what is it?” I ask, hesitating. Could my fears have been right after all?

Something is wrong. I—I don’t feel right. She’s…. separated from me.

“What is it Edward?” Carlisle murmurs.

“He says something doesn’t feel right, that she feels separated from him,” I translate.

“Could it be because she isn’t near him?” he asks.

“No. Normally being separated is hard, but bareable. This… This is different,” he says, finally finding his voice.

“EDWARD!” someone screams.

I recognize the voice immediately.

It’s Bella.

I’m downstairs in seconds. She is crying, her hair is blown back, tears streaming down her face and she’s shaking uncontrollably. I can’t hear her thoughts so I know she’s blocked me. I put my arms around her. “What’s happened?” I ask her, my voice frantic.

“They—they took her—they took Ren—Renesme!” she shouts through her sobs.

My heart contracts, and I am shocked.

Jacob makes a sound so unrecognizable, so full of agony, I can’t bear to hear it. I can hear his thoughts. He was coming down the stairs, but his legs gave out on him, almost as if they couldn’t support him or the pain he is in. If I wasn’t a vampire, I would have collapsed in the same way he did. It’s almost as if we are feeling the same pain together, both of us losing a part of ourselves, in the same way, but yet different.

“What happened?” Carlisle asks, since he knows neither Jacob nor I can speak.

“Jex... And the others….they came, and Jane used her power on me… Jex did something. I—I couldn’t block them, and then I was blinded and I couldn’t find her, I tried bu—but I couldn’t. I saw, but only for a moment and Jex told me they would make a trade. Avalon for Renesme. If we want her back we have to meet them in the place where this all started. Then he—it was black again and when I could see again they were gone! I cou—couldn’t stop them! It’s… my fault. I looked everywhere but they’re gone.” Bella explains this through the chokes of her sobs. When she finishes she breaks down and then she falls onto the couch, although I know it’s not because her legs can’t hold her physically.

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