Chapter 9

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Embry and I phase only to get to La Push faster. Once we are closer, we phase back and head straight for Emily’s place.

Luck is on our side because Sam and a couple of the others are still there.

“Seth,” Sam says when he sees us. The look on my face tells him something is wrong. “What happened?” he asks.

“It’s Jake—“ I start, somehow unable to continue.

“Embry what happened?” Sam demands, more anxious now, but trying to keep his calm.

“He’s been bitten,” Embry blurts before I have time to try and explain.

Paul, who has been listening intently, snarls. “Who did it? Which one? I swear I’m gonna—“

“Paul,” Sam interrupts. “Seth, what happened? Tell me it wasn’t one of the Cullens,” he seems to almost beg.

“She’s a hyprid. Jake’s still alive. Dr. Cullen has no idea why other than maybe it’s because she’s only half-vampire. They found her hurt badly this morning. She—she didn’t mean to hurt him—“ I choke, unable to continue.

“You’ve inprinted with her Seth, haven’t you?” Sam asks.

I nod, still not quite able to speak.

“I can only imagine what you’re going through, Seth. Tell the Cullens we’re here, whatever they need of us.”

“There’s a possibility someone might be after her. Just be on the look out for anyone who doesn’t smell familiar,” Embry explains. I’m thankful I told him everything before we got here.

Sam nods. “We will. And we’ll let you know as soon as we find anything,” he promises.

I hear a loud scrape. It’s Paul. He’s stood up out of his chair so hard his chair flew backwards and hit the wall. He jogs to the door.

“Jake’s gonna be alright!” I want to yell after him, but my voice still won’t work…and…I can’t bear to lie.

Embry and I take our time on our way home. Embry stays phased in the woods and I phase back and head for the house.

Inside Bella and Avalon are sitting on the couch talking quietly. I clear my throat so they know I’m there.

“I could hear you when you phased,” Bella reminds me. I chuckle lightly, still very tense. She gets up and leaves the room. I sit down and stroke Avalon’s cheek.

Suddenly something becomes visable just along her jawbone. Anger hits me so hard I can’t breathe. I have to get away. If I ever hurt her—I am out the door and running in the woods on four legs within seconds. I know they will come after me, but I don’t care. I have to find him—find this…monster that did this to her.

Someone is following me I can hear him. It’s probably Edward, but that doesn’t stop me. Go away Edward! I have to do this! I yell at him inside my thoughts.

In response he purposefully goes my pace, matching mine exactly. Suddenly we both stop and we’re here…Where they first found her. I smell her, her scent is strong here.

Edward has a concerned look on his face, but I can’t figure out what he’s trying to hide. I smell around and come to the place where her scent is the strongest…where she stayed the longest.

Now I see it…what Edward was afraid I’d fine. There is a pool of blood, most of it dry, on the ground. Where she laid, the grass has been stained red.

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