Chapter 3

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Jacob phases and at first she could only stare at him in shock. She couldn't believe that werewolves even existed. She jumped toward him as he rose up on his hind legs and growled. Then, they were moving--just two blurs of fur and white--too fast for any human eyes to see.

I crossed my arms and sighed. Typical Jacob. I heard Bella allowing me to hear her thoughts. She's freaking out, wondering if I'm going to stop them before Jacob gets hurt. She pictures Jacob being bitten in her mind, worry in her thoughts.

Jacob grabs Avalon's leg and throws her. She slams against trees, going through them like nothing. Don't you try and help me, Jacob snaps in his thoughts. Its directed toward me.

Edward! Bella screams at me. Jacob runs after Avalon, stalking after her. "He doesn't want me to," I murmur gently.

Who cares what he wants! This is about keeping him safe!! she protests.

Jacob sinks low into the ground, peering around trees and waiting....Just waiting. Avalon comes around the corner, going for his shoulder, but he sinks lower and grabs for her ankle. She jumps up and over him, trying to get her arms around him. However, she doesn't get the chance. In a flash Jacob is around a tree, using his claws to tear it down. He slams it in Avalon's direction, sending leaves and branches flying everywhere. In the chaos, Jacob can no longer see her. She jumps up, staying high in the trees yards away from him, just waiting for him to get underneath her. Her thoughts are all instinct...Her senses on high alert.

Jacob's thoughts are inpatient. He cannot wait to get a hold of her. Staying low to the gorund, he moves.She sees her opportunity and jumps down on top of him. She bites down.

Within seconds, i move. I shove her off him, focusing in on Jacob's thoughts to see if he's alright. I know otherwise. Bella goes after Avalon. "Jasper!" I yell, "Calm her down," I order.

Jacob iscompletely phased back. As he quickly slips shorts on, I glance away, watching Bella. Jasper is calming Avalon down, so she's only slightly struggling in Bella's grasp. Jacob groaning makes me look back down at him. HIs entire body is trembling beyond control. We know so little about her, so while i'm helping Jacob, I listen in to everyone's thoughts.

Jasper notices a change in Avalon. Bella still has a hold of her arms, but she's no longer struggling. She runs on her emotions. When her emotions are clam she's more....human, Jasper thinks. I tell Bella it's alright to let her go. Avalon's thoughts are normal again. The hunter inside her is long gone and the shocked, scared girl is back. Jasper instantly calms her, so that she can't be afraid.

"Jake!" a tiny, frightened voice yells. I've helped Jacob sit up, although he's burning up, more so than usual, and he shouldn't even be alive right now.

"Nessie," Jacob murmurs. She slams into his arms and he holds her while she cries. She peers up at him and I listen to waht she shows him. She wants to know if he'll be alright.

He exchanges a glance with me, trying to control his thoughts, but it's too late; i've heard them. He isn't sure if he really is giong to be okay. He hates lying to Renesme, but he's afraid of worrying her. I jsut slighty nod my head, only to give him an okay. Our only hope is the human inside Avalon keeping Jacob alive.

"I'll be fine," he murmurs gently.

I honestly didn't know if he would or not. By now he was supposed to be passed out and...dying. However, he was still awake. Was it because she was half human, half vampire? No..because Renesme can't--

Wait. We've never actuallly let her bite him. We knew it could be fatal to him, so we never let her take that chance with him. So..could it be because Avalon is half human, half vampire?

Avalon's thoughts are in confusion. SHe's extremely upset..Ashamed of what she's done. SHe saw Renesme crying and she knew they had a special connection. Somehow she could sense it. She also knew Renesme was just like her. She didn't understand how, but she accept it. She wanted to know more about Renesme to know more about who she is, find out more about herself. Her entire life she's been alone, thinking she's the only one of her kind, only half, worrying she was some kind of deformed freak, a mix between two very different species. She always had known vampires existed, but never of a mix between both humans and vampires.

Somehow, she could sense Jacob and his connection to Renesme. She could also feel that pull.

Someone else's thoughts interupts my focus on Avalon's. It's Seth and he knows Jacob is phased back so he phases back as well, only a couple yards away. He jogs back. He comes out to my left, which is just about 10 feet across from where Bella and Jasper are standing with Avalon.

He looks at her and she feels something.....a strange pull to look up. She looks up just enough and Seth thinks, she's blind, right as something amazing happens.

Their eyes meet.

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