sex with rocky lynch

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 I actually didn't call Ross back last night, all though I wish I had the space and time to do so. My mom and I settled on me at LEAST trying to get a part time job, even though she still insisted on me asking Ross for the help. That solution just didn't sit right with me, and I knew I just had to try and figure things out on my own. 

We even called my sister and went back and forth over the phone about it. She knew the whole story, and it did make me feel better to just talk everything through with the two most important people in my life. 

We had decided on sleeping in, but alas, my new friends just couldn't let me do that. We were woken up by a phone call from Vivienne, inviting us over to have breakfast with her over at the hotel. I told her that wouldn't be a great idea, but that we could settle on going to a diner close by. 

My mom was super excited to meet the least problematic friend in this circle, and also really excited to get our favorite, french toast. 

We got ready and put on an almost identical outfit, yoga pants, sneakers, and a big oversized sweater. It still shocked me how much my mom adapted to the New York City style of living. 

Vivienne was waiting for us at a booth and we waved to her from a few feet away. She stood up to greet us and gave my mother a huge hug.

"Viv, this is my mom, Josephine," I said, introducing them. 

My mom smiled and replied in her soft Spanish accent, "Viv is your name?" 

Vivienne shook her head, laughing, "Oh no, señora, my name is Vivienne." 

As we sat down and got comfortable in our new setting, the waitress arrived and place three menus and water in front of us. "Vivienne! I had a friend named Vivienne when I was growing up. She lived right next door to me and we used to play outside everyday." She smiled, admiring the small memory in front of her. 

"Oh yeah! What did happen to her, ma?" I questioned, flipping through the menu. 

She didn't even touch her menu, just set it aside and responded, "Oh she moved to Puerto Rico with her new husband. We still talk once in a while on WhatsApp." My mom took out her phone and scrolled through all her applications, searching for the app. 

"Well, good for her, right?" Vivienne asked, also putting her menu to the side. My mom found a picture of her friend and showed it to Vivienne. 

The waitress was approaching us again and my mother rolled her eyes, "Oh no, I always hated her new husband. But if that's what she wants..." She sipped from the cup of water in front of her. 

Vivienne covered her slightly opened mouth in shock and brought her attention over to the waitress. She was wearing a Diver Era t-shirt, making both of our eyes light up.

"Oh my god! You like The Driver Era?" Vivienne cheered, pointing to her shirt. 

The waitress blushed and pushed her blonde hair over to the side. She was definitely young and still in her teenaged years. "Yeah! They're so great. I love Ross, he's so cute!" 

"Hmm, I'm sure we all feel that way," my mom joked, nudging me with her arm. 

Vivienne shrugged, "I always thought Rocky was cuter." 

I raised my eyebrows at her and chuckled, "Huh, interesting!" 

The waitress was still interested in our conversation and tried to get another word in, saying "Yeah, but I heard he isn't really into the whole fan thing... like he would never date a fan, you know?" She sounded a bit airy.

"Maybe someone like a friend?" My mom barged in, making both Vivienne and I look up at her. She grinned, and began to ask for her usual french toast with coffee. 

The Wrong Perspective // Ross lynchWhere stories live. Discover now