×+Chapter 22: bad choices+×

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Author: I like this way better.

Canada: Okay. . . Well I'm not writing anymore notes you dipshit. . . I'm sorry!

Author: Such a fuck head.

~Closes the lid on my bo- I mean office~


»Y/n's POV«

The soft shuffling behind me sounded as the Rush frail air on my hard dusted skin burned with pain and no remorse of course as the days grew shorter my eyes fluttered aside to a little mouse scatting away on the hard wooding of the house.


I can confirm this wasn't a dream that I desired to partake in, of course. If it was one. . . In which definitely wasn't. Since the cold boot or much rather a shoe touched the frame of my limp shoulders. If I could have spoke I surely would have done so but for now my screams were thrown around in the sound of fear.

"Get up" the shadowed darkness covered their face with ink the light glint of red that was noticable from their deprived face, it was childish for the least as an arm yanked me up straight.

"Dearie I said get up, please don't ignore me I'd hate to see someone bleeding out on the floor" A few steps back rang in your head, a few, steps, back-


That was definitely too late as now I was inches away from touching their chest hanging from their clenched fist as my shirt was strung to their hand, they placed me down onto my feet and with a stumbled I gained balance, I had not a clue what this rounded head man wanted. My guess was love, but why possibly all this yandere type stuff could come into play is all I thought. . . Nothing really that brutal would happen, yes?

"Go get her room all set. We can't have the others knowing can we?" That voice so. . . Formal, "Yes sir!" Pimp and squeaky the other one was, a hard yank by the arm was followed after it hurt my arm quite badly, nevertheless I followed right behind the height of the man close to my own. Though I much rather prefer a prompt introduction as most this wasn't the case a yandere was a foot it played in my head as an old record, the only sounds were the pattern of my footsteps and this unknown man's.

"Here we are ma'am. Please, feel at home. . . You'll need it." A small bag of attire which was coordinated with the same color pattern, white, black, and grey. How ever so bland but at least I had clothing to wear other than these raggity attire I had on. The click of the now locked door buzzed like flys in a dirty kitchen though it was unpleasant it was better than cockroaches but in this case the cockroaches were death. The lights flickered on with my hand it shone brightly burning my eyes soon the room grew into focus, a nice decorated room with various colors. Well. . . Dull blunt colors to be exact, would it kill to brighten things up? Oh well. . . I couldn't have slept either way so pacing around the room seemed fine though the click and clack of my shoes bothered be so was everything this loud.

»Germany's POV«

"GODDAMN IT CAN DU GUYS HURRY ZHE HELL UP?!" it sounded harsh but it was the only way to get the pissed off and depressed shit head to the Meeting. There was just one yesterday! UN had been buzzing me, me in general, crazy with calls about Y/N. I don't know where she went, it was all canada's and america's fault she slipped away I swear once We find her. . . If we find her. . . I'll. . .

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