chapter 3: friends to the end?

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Hello! My lovely little peeps, sorry this part took so long to add I spent a night at my cousin's and their internet sucked ;-;
There's gonna be a little bit of gore...
Anyways, onto the next chapter!

You shivered in the cold knowing that you were out of energy from all that running...
You peered up trying not to let the Soviet notice, he looked fine and didn't seem that cold.
The Soviet apparently loosened his grip on your wrist since you hardly felt his fingers.
Snow fluttered down in front of you, it made you happy seeing the small flakes softly land on the icy ground.
You could see the giant house from quite a distance away, there was still some time to walk though...
The silence was starting to get unbearable, all you could hear was the sound of snow crunching underneath both of your feet.
You saw something leap in the distance but decided to ignore it not wanting to stop in the cold, you saw it again it was getting closer...
You wanted to run back to the house but you were already out of energy.
Soviet must've notice you starring at something since he to looked, "what are you starring at..." He sounded annoyed, but kept walking.
He the  to stopped, for once he sounded a bit worried, "okay... Don't scream or run... But we need to get back now..." You were Confused, you could clearly see the object getting closer to you through the snow.
You could make out a thin line of it. You freaked out, it was a bear?!
"A-aren't they supposed to be hibernating?..." You asked Soviet quietly, he nodded yes. The bear kept getting closer and closer, it was upset... Someone must've woken it from its slumber.
You looked up to see the snow was starting to calm down, you could now see the outline of the bear clearly. It had brown fur with empty black eyes, starring us down...
You tried to hide your fear but your emotions got the best of you, with a swift turn of your body you were behind Soviet, the bear was massive and could easily crush you in one wrong movement...
The bear got impatient since we weren't moving...
With a swift movement of hands Soviet had picked you up and was a bolting back to the large house with the bear tailing right behind us.
You were in immediate shock once Soviet had swept you off your feet, he had to of hate you... You even bit him!
Soviet came crashing inside making a loud thud, he had crashed into the mantle...
That had sent you flying, the floor was cold and hard when you landed...
Soviet slammed the door behind him and sighed, "you alright kid?" You nod yes even though you weren't a kid, just relieved to be warm and away from that blood thirsty bear...

Everyone came into the living who were not, Britain looked over at you and he smiled trying to hide it.
What was going to happen? Why did he want me to run, it didn't matter now they had already caught me and there was a bear pacing outside around the house so you couldn't get out soon.
E.U looked down at you with a look of concern in his eye, "why did you run...? And are you hurt?" He asked curiously, you didn't want to drag Britain down with you so instead of telling the truth you lied straight to his face "I was... Scared and confused... I didn't know if I could... Trust you guys... And yes... I hurt my wrist sir..." You said stumbling, E.U looks down with suspicion, he seems to have believed the lie... "If you say so y/n..." He didn't sound as if he was believing it, but he did grab some bandages and wrap your wrist up, "be more careful next time... And call me E.U, sir sounds too formal" he said smiling, he was soon cut off by japan.
"Oh! こんにちは Y/n-chan!" Shouted Japan from across the room, of course she had her face buried in a manga... America was on the couch playing on a Nintendo switch, Britain had went back to his seat with a cup of tea and newspaper.
You didn't see third Reich anywhere though... You scanned the room once again trying to find him, he was no where in sight, that was kind of a relief to you...
"Y/n, sorry for the bad start off... Let me introduce myself properly now that I have finished most of my paperwork." You heard E.U say walking over to the couch, he patted on a cushion so you went over and sat down beside him.
He also seemed friendly, you guessed he was just stressed with all the paperwork he had...
"Hot chocolate dear?" E.U said offering you a cup, you kindly took it not wanting to be rude. Even though you caused them alot of trouble they still were being nice...? That was an unusual occurrence, you tried not to get to comfortable since you didn't want to get attached to them since you most likely will find a way out of this crazy world...
E.U talked about many different things like other countries and work, it was mostly about work though.
"So, what kinda of stuff do you like?" He said with a courteous smile, why was he such a gentleman? You now knew where Britain got it from...
You realized you were zoning out once he politely tapped you on your shoulder. "O-oh! Yeah, so sorry... I was a bit zoned out, hehe..." As politely as you could you explained to him.
"Anyways, my favorite color is f/c, book... Erm... I like YouTube... If that counts, oh! My favorite food is f/f!" You smiled brightly at E.U which made him blush a light blue.
E.U then put on a serious face and stood up, he clapped and everyone turned their attention towards him, "okay, everyone as you know third Reich left to go to his work office... So y/n will have to stay with someone who is currently here right now, any volunteers?" You saw two hands raise up immediately, it was Britain's and America's "okay, I saw America's hand first... So y/n go grab your bag from upstairs and come back down, and Britain will you go with her? try not to jump out the window again..." E.U gestured you to go, Britain gave America a death glare, America didn't notice he was too busy watching you go up the stairs, it gave you chills...
Britain stood up following shortly behind, once you made it to the room you grabbed your crappy pocket knife, that was all you had brought other than the massive bag on your back. Britain came up to you and patted you on the back and smiled, "you did well chap... The reason why I told you to run is-" he was cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the door, you went to answer it and it was Japan to your surprise "こんにちは again y/n-chan!" In a childish tone, you look up at her fluffy cat ears and back down to her empty eyes. "Hey Japan, what brings you here?" You wondered why she came up right now when you were packing, she glimmer with joy and excitement "I made you a drawing before you leave y/n-chan! I hope you like it" she exclaimed, you took the drawing and looked at it with concern wondering whether you should open it or not... You feared it may have been hentai and didn't want Britain after Japan, that old man seemed protective...
You stuffed it into your backpack for later and turned back to Britain shutting the door.
"As I was saying before I was ever so rudely interrupted, I knew third Reich was leaving soon and since he found you and brought you back, surprisingly... He was going to be your care taker, I knew that would have ended ever so horribly so I took the liberty to tell you to run since we needed to decide who you'd stay with and fast..." Britain whispered most of it, there was another knock on the door so you went and opened it, Soviet stood tall almost hitting the door frame, he bent down to your height as if you were a child. "Are you ready... America is ready to go..." He said slightly annoyed, "oh, yes I'm ready... And thank you for saving from that bear..." You said nervously not knowing what he'd say since he pulled a gun on you earlier...
"It was nothing... Now come on..." You saw him blush very little, or it was his skin who knows but he grabbed your wrist and drug you outside to America's car.
You waved goodbye to everyone else, they all smiled and waved back.
"Ahh, there you are y/n! I was starting to think you jumped out the window again..." The window rolled down as America chuckled at his own joke, "see you later y/n, America" Soviet said as he trudged through the snow back inside. America swung opened the passengers door "hop in y/n. The drive from here to my house isn't that far..." so you grabbed your bag and slid it in, after that you climbed in to. "Well, you ready to go y/n? I don't want you to have forgotten anything" America says starting the car, "no, I don't believe I have forgotten anything but I have a few questions..." You look out the window and see the large house slowly fading away in the distance, "sure, go ahead and ask!" America seems content watching the snowflakes fall into the road, "why did you offer to take me in? Why didn't you let Britain...?" America shakes his head and fixes his glasses, "o-oh! I took you in because I knew Britain would volunteer... And he is way to protective if he took you in he would most likely start world war 3 over nonsense..." America sighed out of breath from talking so much, "thank you then America, that's all I wanted to know... For now" you were deep into thought now, what would have happened if Britain got you? "Hey... Y/n? You there?" America was waving his hand in front of your face, "heh heh... I forgot to tell you that I share a house with someone they can be, a bit cold... Hope you don't mind..." You look up at him "it's fine, it's your home!" You seemed to be warming up to America quite a bit.
You grabbed your bag forgetting how heavy it was, you fell over sliding down the driveway, America chuckled a bit trying to hold it in.
~ouch!~ you said in a whisper, your wrist had been hurt even more, America came around on your side and shut your door.
"Do you need help up?" He bent down and smiled at the fact that you we mad, "yes..." You tried to sound mad but you couldn't. America grabbed you on the hand with the hurt wrist ~URK!~ you flinched from the pain, it hurt horribly. "You sound hurt, let me take you in and bandage it again..." You tried to deny the fact that you were hurt but he wasn't having it, he picked you up [bridal style] all you could do was grumble and roll your eyes. He brought you inside and sat you on the kitchen counter, "you didn't need to carry me, I didn't break my legs, And me sitting on the counter isn't very sanitary" you tried to push yourself off but just bent back your wrist further, ~ACK!~ you held your wrist and rubbed it waiting for America to come back since he went up stairs. "Hmm... Who are you..." You looked up to see a tall man wearing an ushanka [srry if it's not spelled right...] He was scary... "Y-Y/n..." He just nodded and walked away to the fridge, what was wrong with him you thought. That must've been the man who America was talking about, you decided to get into your bag to look at the drawing Japan gave you, not to your surprise it was hentai... You could hear someone coming towards you so you folded it up, "what is that..." You look behind you and see the same man now with a bottle of vodka, you freak out and try to slip it into your pocket "n-nothing!" you blurted but he snatched it away before you could...
Oh boy was he gonna regret that, he opened the paper and looked at it, he looked disgusted.
"I'm going to kill Japan..." He said crumbling the paper and throwing it away. Taking another sip of his vodka he went to the couch and got on his phone, you wondered what was taking America so long...
"Sorry y/n! I haven't used this in a while and it a was buried..." A medical kit was placed on the counter beside me america carefully took off the bandages and looked at my wrist it was bleeding horribly... He wiped some blood off and ran your wrist under warm water, it stung badly. Dry blood was stuck on your arm and a little bit of your bone was popping out, it hurt too look at and cold shivers ran down your back...
The front door came open in a rush, America looked over to see a man who seemed to be Germany at the entrance "Russia! Give me my GODAMM paperwork back!" Russia looked up at him and stood up, Germany was pissed clearly.
You were so fascinated by the fight the two got in to that you didn't notice that America had finished.
You heard the front door lock and looked up at America "what's going on with them?" You would whispered not trying to make the other two mad, "it seems that Germany had over worked himself once again and Russia had to steal his paperwork to make him take a break..." America sighed and went to break them up, you were left on the counter. Once Germany and Russia stopped fighting they noticed you there, Russia didn't bother to say sorry but Germany apologized profusely to you. "I am vo sorry... I didn't realize a child was here..." You grumble out loud, "I'm fucking 17!" America looks over at you and asked if you needed help off the counter, "no as I said I am 17 and can handle things on my own!" America chuckled as he watched you struggle with getting off the counter, "so... We only have two bedrooms here... So it's either my room or Russia's" America patted you on your head and ruffled up your h/c hair, you look over at the couch "can I sleep on the couch?" You asked since you didn't wanna share a bed with someone.
"I mean you can but it smells strongly of vodka and spilled food..." He sounded a bit unsure, so you decided it would be the best to sleep with one of them since you didn't like the look America was making about the couch, but which one should you sleep with?

               Thank you

∆thanks to all of you wonderful peeps who are reading this crappy excuse of a book. It really is nice knowing at least someone is reading this.*mu-ah* •3• ∆

|• I'm tired, well when am I not tired...? who knows•|

×once again I'm sorry to you guys for not updating in a while... I had two birthday parties and ended up staying the night at my cousin's house, they had bad internet...×

+Sorry about the rant...+

~5,650 words~

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