chapter 7: a small bean...

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&before we start, I would like to say sorry about the fake cookie... Nah not really, they are mine &

€and thank you if you voted! You guys push me to keep writing this story, and I understand if you don't comment if it makes you anxious! I get that same feeling...€

+Anyways enough emotional stuff, let's get into this chapter!+


"Hello~..." You turn around to see a small person like you, only a few inches taller than you. With beautiful angel wings, the white from their feathers glimmered from the lights in the ceiling. You stared in awe and they seemed to notice, "I see you like my wings! They are pretty noticable!" He chuckled and blushed a bit, so did you. He was so pure! Breakfast is ready, shouted someone from the kitchen you go in to see Reich in a purple apron. You couldn't help to giggle a little at the sight "was?" Reich said sternly starring at you. "N-nothing!" You tried to hide the redness on your face, you all sat down with Germany across from you, Poland beside you, and Soviet on the other side. You look around to see where Reichtangle was, but couldn't spot him "where's Reichtangle? Doesn't he have to eat?" Germany peered up and looked around too, he stood up and left you assumed that he left to get Reichtangle, Poland seemed tense and you tried to calm him down, not long after you heard foots steps you were expecting two people, but four entered and came and sat down at the table. "Y/n, meet fascist Italy and imperial Japan. And you clearly already know my Großvater." Almost everyone ate in silence, you got curious and wondered how Reichtangle ate though... you looked up at him and saw him taking spoonfuls of food and putting it to his skin, and it just vanished things just keep getting weirder and weirder... after we finished the breakfast Reich made that was surprisingly not poisoned you did the dishes, Germany went over to Poland started talking to him "So, polen what du you want to du now?" Poland beamed with joy and you could hear him jumping up and down, you turned around to an excited face. "Let's play hide and seek!!! As if we're kids!" You didn't see why not, so you swiftly finished the dishes and then walked out to the living room where Poland and Germany were standing in the front. Everyone was on the couch reading or fighting with each other "Wir splaying hide and seek, vather, will you play along with Soviet and Großvater?" They all looked up with a look of question in their eyes, imperial Japan was the first to agree then Italy followed. Eventually everyone was going to play, this was going to be fun... "Y/n? Would you mind counting? This is going to be fun!!!" Poland's eyes were filled with stars, he was excited. Now you weren't good in history but germanies family didn't go great with Poland, and Soviet didn't either...

"Come on y/n! Let's go! This is going to be the best game of tag ever!" He seemed very hyper and not to shy, as most people would put him... Well around you at least. Poland drug you outside by your hurt wrist but was rather careful... along with Germany, he didn't bother to go near Reichtangle, third Reich, or USSR...
Everyone got outside and stood still, "so, y/n you'll count to fifty and then come find us okay? Okay! Let's get this game started!" Poland was all hyped, Germany stopped him from running just year by picking him up on his back. " A few rules first... 1. No lies... 2. No hiding in your rooms or the house 3. Play fairly..." Germany then signalled you to count, "one... Two... Three... Four... ECT" once you finished you dashed out towards the garden, they hid checked the shrubs and found Poland, he still was happy as ever when you found him though! then the cars and found Germany asleep, with paper work in one of his hands, Germany got out of the car and stared in on direction. "AHHHH!" You look behind you to see Reich running from Soviet holding a baseball bat. "Fuck off commie fucker!" Third Reich screamed which made him even madder, "I'm going to break your skull opened like an egg you motherfucker!" You mentally facepalm at their attempt to play hide and seek, they are like toddlers... "I found you two noodle heads!" You heard fast running from behind you and see fascist Italy "did *huff* someone say *huff* noodles?" He said putting his hands on his Knees, wow... These people are dumb... "No, I was calling those two noodle brains. They're trying to kill each other..." All there's left to find is imperial Japan and Reichtangle. You heard laughing from a tree and a tail hanging from it, imperial Japan "I found you imperial Japan" she hopped down and said something along the lines of "落とす" while starring at ussr chasing Reich with a baseball bat.
Why did you agree to this... One person left, Reichtangle now how will you find him? You went over to Poland to ask him if he would know, he said he's not leaking secrets.

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