chapter 13: over dose

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• hello, and welcome back to the total drama Rama seri- Ehmm I mean, CH fandom! •

¥ you all are awesome devil's have one of my thin mints, O.N.E, okay? M'kay... *Hands Le thin mint* ¥

¶ enough of my bullshit, let's-a-go! ¶


"Whoop, whoop!" You hummed happily, you ran upstairs to get dressed quickly, grabbing your knife and hiding it in your bra during the process. You slip on [hoodie and pants of your choice] and go to brush your teeth and all, a few strands of your hair fell I to the sink so you washed it down.


"Hey, y/n? How old are you again?" Said a concerned voice, you sigh and turn to see Phil standing in front of you "I'm 17. . . Can I still go?. . .  You did say I was in charge today!" You hummed trying to be optimistic, he sighed and crouched down to your height since you were short as fuck "fine but don't go showing your junk on that pole." He said ruffling your hair, you would be insane to go do that! You chuckled worriedly and look up to him, fuck when did he get so hot? Wait. . . No stop thinking that y/n! "Why the fuck would I wanna 'dance?' " you said putting your hands on your hips, Phil shrugged and simply said "you're going there to drink, you might get drunk and try." He said handing you a fake ID, they were criminal's! Didn't bother you though, you raced Phil downstairs and met Nam, Indo, And Malay who seemed to be mad at Phil. You didn't care since you just wanted to get drunk, Nam lectured you as if he was a mom "And don't flirt with anyone, some of them could rape you. Don't take free hand outs they could be drugged, stay with us all the time. And stay away from the pole!" You rolled your eyes and scoffed "okay mom." Nam got mad and chased you around the house with a  chancla, screaming stuff at you in his native language. Finally he caught up and. . .

~ smack! ~

You whined and held your face "Owch!" You yelped after Nan had hit you and left a bright red mark withe the chancla, "don't disrespect me again bitch, because I won't hesitate to do it again!" He hissed with venom, you nodded quickly and he gave you an ice pack to put on your face. You two then went to the car after being lectured again! You sighed and sat done in the back with Malay and Phil, Indo surprisingly being allowed in the front. Indo was practically bouncing up and down the whole ride, you tried to make small talk and it went something like this "hey, Indo?" You hummed "yeah y/n!" He said brightly "have you ever gotten drunk?" He stopped bouncing and turned around to you "no, why?" You sigh and look at him "just curious!" You said as he reverted back to the excited ball of energy he is. "Hey, y/n. . . Have you ever had alcohol?" Malay said to you questioningly "hmm~ yes! Why do you ask Malay?" He looked at you dead in the eyes And became rather serious "who gave it to you?!" He blurted out rather loudly causing a commotion "Soviet? Why do you seem so mad?" Malay sat there as If he had seen a ghost "what did he do to you?! There has to be  a reason he gave you it!" He said sternly.


"We're here, you children. Do you have your 'i'd' y/n?" Hummed nam from the front, Indo puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms. He whispered quietly that he wasn't a child and got out of the car. "I got it Nam stop worrying so much!" You said hopping out of the car, you pulled up your hood and put your hair behind your back to cover most of your face. You guys started to walk in and a guard of some type asked for Id's you handed him your fake one and he nodded. You all walked in to a brightly lit area, tons of drunk people and laughing screaming.

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