chapter 4: unknown foe!

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=hello my peeps! ありがとう [thank you] to you peeps who been reading this!=

¥ I don't wanna keep you wonderful room demons waiting, on to the chapter! ¥


You didn't want to choose Russia, he seemed cold towards you... And America could tell that you were going to choose him.
"Hmm... So who are you going to choose?" He said mockingly, you scan the room pretending you were choosing and catch Russia looking at you, he was giving you the death stare...
For sure you were going to choose America.
"Choose already..." It came from the couch area, it sent chills down your back...
"America, I choose your room!" America seemed to be happy, Russia on the other hand rolled his eyes and got back on his phone.
"Come on y/n!" America was surely the hyper type! You followed him up the stairs which didn't creak surprisingly, you looked back down stairs one more time to see Germany on the couch half asleep.
"You coming?" America was impatient as hell... "Oh! Yeah I'm coming!" You say flustered, you glaced in America's room and it was surprisingly clean with no trash on the floor and just a few shirts scattered around the room.
"You like it?" He smiled widely, you nodded and looked around the room. There was a rack of glasses in the corner, different colors but mainly red and blue.
"Where will I sleep? There's only one bed..." Well it seemed that you were going have to sleep with America... Well it is better than the couch at least!
"Ehmm... So sorry y/n but you'll have to sleep in my bed tonight until Germany leaves since he is using the guest room tonight... Russia can't stand Germany most of the time." America chuckled nervously after mentioning that...
"Well it's getting late... And you had a busy day so you might want to head to bed now, I'll come up later." You nodded and yawned, you looked at your phone it was already 12:32?! Well you might as well get some shut eye now since there's nothing else you can do... You lay down on his bed and your eyes get heavy... And soon you were off to sleep.

You woke up, rubbing you head. Where were you this wasn't America's room...
You look up and see two people screaming at each other you walk forward and mumble a few words "e-excuse me... But do you know where I am...?" They didn't seem to hear you so you tried to tap on one but your hand just fell through them, you looked closely at your hands and they were all foggy... "M-mommy? Daddy?" Said a small shaky voice, you turned around to see a small girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes... It looked like you, is this your past? How come you didn't remember it. The two adults didn't stop fighting though...
"SHUT UP Y/N! YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!" One of the angry adults walked right through you and smacked the small child, there was a giant red hand print on her face. You could see tears swelling up in her eyes... Poor child... You went over and tried to comfort her but to no avail...
"You WHORE! You SLUTTY WHORE!" Screamed a man, it was the same one who slapped the child.
You look at the woman the man is Yelling at... It was... Your mom?! She was right... Dad was a bad person, you could never forgive him.
You watched the man leave and come back with... A gun?! "I've should've done this years ago..." You watched as his finger pushed back on the trigger, and shot your mom... Blood covered the ground and the dead body laid upon the ground not moving, her skull was broken into...
"No.. m-mom! NO!" This couldn't of happened....IT HAD TO OF BEEN A DREAM!


You shot up out of bed, America's breath was horrible... Warm tears ran down your face, no... That was just a dream nothing had happened is what you kept telling yourself.
You grabbed your phone and checked the time, 5:43 kinda early...
You pushed yourself out of bed and crept out of America's room and crept down the stairs there was an empty room with a door open you checked inside and saw no one, you assumed Germany stayed in there. He must've got his paperwork back and left, you made your way to the kitchen feeling kinda hungry since you hadn't eaten for about a day so you went down stairs and thought of what to make, you wanted to make everyone something. Pancakes! Everyone loves pancakes, yes that's what you'll make. So you look around for pancake batter and started mixing, you added too much water though so you added more batter it was starting to look clumpy now but It was better than before! You forgot to oil the pan so the pancakes stuck to the pan... You tried desperately to get it off but it would come off. So you went to find some oil hopping that would help "Fuck!" You smelt something burning you turned around to see the pancake on fire, "no no no!" You almost shrieked, everything was going wrong! You looked over and saw America coming down the stairs, you looked at the clock and saw it was already 7:06 you grabbed some water and poured it onto the burning pancake trying to hide the fact that you almost burnt down their kitchen but it just created a larger fire somehow... "What's going on?!" You heard America practically yell, "ermm... I'll explain in a minute!" You said running back with a large wet towel, the fire just burnt through it. "Holy crap..." America ran upstairs and knocked on Russia's door. You couldn't quite hear their conversation since you were busy putting out the fire you had made. "How did you start this?" It was Russia, you turned around to see him with a fire extinguisher, "just move I'll handle the rest..." He sounded unamused... You would be to if someone woke you up over a fire!
"Mind explaining how you started this fire?!" He screamed at you, you flinched and quietly stuttered "I-I tried to make pancakes and... Messed up c-cooking them..." You could hear America dying from laughter from the other side of the counter. "How do you *wheeze* mess up pan-pancakes! *Wheeze*" you rolled your eyes and sigh... "For once I agree with America..." Russia said walking to the fridge to grab something to drink, most likely vodka...
"I appreciate you trying to make us breakfast y/n, but try not to burn down our house next time... I'll make us all some breakfast" you smiled and jumped up and down, "can I help?!" You really wanted to see what he was going to make, and not to mention you'd be alone with Russia if not.
"Enh, maybe next time y/n I just wanna get this done with we have to get you clothes later, and me and Russia have a meeting later today!" You sigh and leave the kitchen, Russia followed right behind. You went to the window and stared outside, you could see the sunrise! It was beautiful... "Don't be jumping out that window... America already told me what happened yesterday..." You jumped from surprise, you didn't realize he was right behind you! "I-Im not, you need to stop popping up like that..." He about gave you a heart attack!
"What are you looking at then?" He sounded curious, "the sunrise?" You say confused has he never seen the sunrise before?
You go to the door to go outside to see it better, he follows right behind "this is amazing!" You almost yell, there was a lovely corn field in the distance covered with frost. "I suppose..." The door swung opened from behind, it was America "breakfast is ready! What are you guys doing outside anyways its freezing!" America shivered and went back in, "you coming?" You kept starring in awe of the sunrise, "a few more minutes..." You say continuing to stare at the sun, "you're going to go blind... But okay..." He said sipping his vodka, ~urk!~ someone had yanked you on your wrist, "come on your food getting cold! And Russia's trying to take it..." Once you heard Russia was trying to take your food you stood up and ran inside. You saw Russia stealing a piece of your bacon.
"HEY! THAT WAS MINE!" Russia turned back and shrugged, "snooze you loose..." He said taking another piece, with a sigh you grabbed your plate and moved away from Russia.
"You mad at me now?" You crossed your arms and gave him the death stare, but he was unfazed...
"Can you two stop fighting I feel like a parent... Russia we need to get ready we have a meeting later today." America snapped back at us, you let out a sigh of relief knowing your food was safe for now. You chomped down onto it giving off a delightful look, how was America So good at cooking? That's something for another time, you quickly finished your place and put it into the sink.
"Hey America, how did you learn to cook so well?" You wiped off the plates one by one and set them out to dry, "well, France taught me she's a good mom can't really say the same for my father..." He wasn't okay after that question you felt horrible now "I-Im so sorry I was just curious, Because the food was awesome..." You tried to sound nice, America smiled weakly and patted you on the head "it's alright kiddo..." without a second thought he went upstairs, what were you going to do now that they had left? Swiftly you went to the vodka stained couch and sat down. You turned the TV on but of course there was nothing interesting... So you shut if off and decided to get into you phone instead to see what had been happening. You grabbed you phone and noticed you got a text from someone, who is this... And what do they want from me? You whispered quietly to yourself, you didn't quite recognise the number it must've been a mistake. you opened the text message to read it.

Bold: mysterious person

Normal: y/n



Hello? Who is this I believe you have the wrong number...

Oh no... I don't... Y/n

Okay... How do you know my name, What do you need? And who are you?

Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out...

M'kay? Is that all?

Why in such a rush... I have some, information to give you. What they really think of you...

What do you mean they? I don't even know you!

They are using you, they only want you for power... I won't use you, I will love you...

What?! Who are they?!

They... They are your "friends" the ones who care soooooo deeply about you... Just to abandon you, leave you in the dust...

Wha-... What are you saying! They wouldn't leave me!




You put your phone back into your bag since you had gotten no response what so ever from that mysterious person. And then it hit you by what he had just said, no, America and Russia they wouldn't do that? Would they, power is just a symbol... Warm flurries of tears ran down your warm skin...
Everyone around you could be lying, you can't become too comfortable since they can turn on your any second... You needed to stop being so gullible
You turn around and see Russia and America coming downstairs, you wipe off the tears and put on a fake smile you were filled with questions and left with no answers.

What would they gain from using you?

Who was that person, how did they get your number?

What did they want from you?

"Y/N you alright? You seem... Off." America tapped on your shoulder making you come back to reality, "y-yes! I'm fine... I have to ask you and Russia something..." Russia turned his head towards you filled with curiosity, "are we really... Friends?"


Thank you!

+Hello peeps! I'll try to update here soon but I have to help with alot of house working coming up soooo, I might slack ;-;+

¥ most likely will be a a few mistakes since I did most of this at night, I tried to read over it all again but my brain most likely wasn't functioning properly at that time... ¥

✓ have a wonderful day/night/2am! And don't cough on the old people! ✓

~2,127 words~

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