Chapter 9

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When Hallie looked out the window on Christmas morning, it looked like something from a beloved Christmas Movie. Sheets of snow lay on top of buildings which were all different heights and colours. In Hallie's room, there stood a beautiful tree, decorated with baubles of red and green and gold. She had to admit, she appreciated the fairy lights Ginny had helped her hang up just a few days previously. As she sat on the windowsill and looked out the window, snow fell quietly and slowly. Hallie blinked in time with it, taking in each sensation she was feeling. She had been there for around half an hour, living every moment.

"Merry Christmas!" Ginny ran over and hugged her from behind. "Oh wow, look at the snow," she said also looking out at the window.

"It's lovely isn't it?" Hermione smiled, standing up in her Christmas pyjamas. "I don't think I'll get changed just yet, I assume everyone else will be in their pyjamas."

"Definitely," Ginny answered. "Except Bill and Charlie, they'll be changed."

"Staying in your pyjamas is one of the highlights of Christmas, Hermione," Hallie said, finally turning around to both of them. "Ginny, can I curl your hair?"

"Only if I can straighten yours," She said, grabbing a bottle of her Sleek easy hair potion. Hallie nodded without thinking.

"Hermione, I'll braid your hair afterwards if that's okay?" Hallie asked, while Ginny began to add the potion into her hair.

"Yes, that's no problem, I've still got this present to wrap for Ron," she said, grabbing out the wrapping paper, "I'm normally never last minute with things, but I guess people can surprise themselves."

"I taught George how to wrap presents the other day and it was the most wholesome thing I've ever seen in my life," Hallie smiled at the memory, "God he can be annoying sometimes but boy is he cute."

"You two make me so happy," Ginny said, sectioning her hair, "there's been something there since your fourth year."

"Maybe," Hallie smiled shyly. "I'm just glad he was upfront about his feelings, especially when the Weasley brothers are renown for, well," she looked at Hermione, "asking out their date as a last resort."

Hermione laughed at this memory, "I don't think they'll ever change."

"What even happened at the Yule Ball with you Hallie?" Ginny asked. "All I remember is Fred walking over to me and saying Hallie has fell out with George and before I could ask why, Neville asked me to the event."

"Well, how much time do we have on our hands?" Hallie asked, gesturing towards Hermione who had experience with sleek easy.

"Your hair is not as curly as mine, so about 30 minutes," Hermione checked her watch.

"Alright, I'll tell you the story then."

The scene shifted to the library back in Hogwarts. Hallie was in her fourth year, and scribbling down notes for Charms. As George watched her write, he nudged her with his elbow.

"Hmm?" Hallie asked, still concentrating.

"How long is it until the Yule hall?" George asked.

"2 days," she said, writing down the title for her second charms homework.

"You want to go with me?"

"I thought you already asked that girl Emma from your year?"

"She said no."

"Well my answer is the same," Hallie said sternly.

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