Chapter 62

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January 1979

As Gracie and Lucius walked hand in hand to the restaurant, she felt a strange feeling in her stomach.


For the entire day, she had been very hesitant to reveal the truth to Lucius, who had seemed relatively distant in the past few weeks of their relationship. She put it down to how quickly their relationship had progressed, and due to the fact that Gracie was still grieving over the loss of Lara's father. Gracie liked to think that Lucius was a humble man, who didn't want to step on her toes too much because of this reason. For this, she was incredibly grateful, and finally accepted that love could be found in the strangest of places.

"We have a reservation," Lucius said in a silky voice once they had reached the bar. Gracie felt too dressed up to be in this place, as most of the people there were dressed in jeans and coats and nice t-shirts.

"Your name please, sir?" the waitress asked. Gracie looked at the lady's shiny blonde hair, and how it had been tied back very neatly into a ponytail . She was dressed in a plain pair of black trousers, a white shirt and an apron. Gracie also thought her brogues looked very comfortable.

"Lucius Malfoy."

"Ah yes," she nodded, ticking his name off the board. "If you would like to come this way."

Gracie looked around to see lots of mini booths filled with groups of people in them. Each were having private conversations, smiling intently at each other. Some were frowning, and showing their apparent disgust for whatever seemed wrong in their lives. Gracie liked how she was completely ambiguous to everyone around her, and how they were all immersed with certain sections of their life.

"Gracie?" Lucius asked once more.

"Huh?" she asked, zoning back in, realising that perhaps she had been observing the other people in the restaurant for too long. "Sorry, what was it you asked?"

"Would you like anything to drink?" the waitress added, with a careful smile on her face.

"Just a glass of fanta orange, please," she said politely, before sitting down. "I don't drink you see."

"No problem! I'll be as quick as possible with your drinks."

The waitress turned on her heel and left, leaving Lucius and Gracie in the uncomfortable silence.

"Lucius, I have something very important to share with you. Now, I don't know how you're going to react, but all I know is that what we have had these past few months has been keen and real. It's better not to beat around the bush, so I'm just going to be upfront."

"Yes?" He asked, rather coldly but gripping her hand in the process.

"Well, I'm going to be having another child," she said, sighing nervously. "And obviously, because Luke is no longer with us, you are the baby's father."

"Brilliant!" he smiled, as if he was somewhat expecting it."That is great news, Gracie. A toast to you!"


Present day

Fred and George Weasley left Hogwarts later on in the afternoon after being well fed and watered from the kind house elves that had greeted them so kindly in the kitchens. They soared through the air naturally, their quidditch skills carefully being reflected in the process as they beamed at each other on their broomsticks.

They had carefully devised what they were going to say Mrs Blackwell, as the last thing that they wanted to do was upset or worry her too much. They continued with the belief that no matter what they said, they would probably end up making her feel skittish and tense, much like many of the people both in the wizarding and muggle world. Hallie, who had carefully considered that muggles would stare at Fred and George on their broomsticks, made sure she casted a invisible charm on both of them as they left Hogwarts. This would reduce (and defer) any possible reason for the ministry to question their actions. Finally, they arrived at Hallie's childhood home in New Hampshire.

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