Chapter 47

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(Please play the song now, I hope it reminds you of the characters I'm writing about in this chapter!)

October 1975

"Would you wait a minute? Wormtail is fixing his shoelace again, Padfoot. What did I tell you about tying them together?" A young Remus Lupin said. His hair was a dark blonde colour, which complemented his pale complexion. Across his face however, were several scars which he had got after being attacked by Fenrir Greyback.

"Well he should keep an eye on his shoelaces then," Sirius chortled along with James.

"Would you hurry up?" James questioned. "I want to go to the three broomsticks. Lily might be there."

"You'd think he'd accept that Evans doesn't want to date him," Lupin rolled his eyes.

"Never!" Sirius shouted, after receiving a large thump from James.

"Right then, let's go," Peter said shyly.

All four of them began to walk through the chilly streets of Hogsmeade. It was their favourite pastime going to the Three Broomsticks, as they simply loved the sweet and almost sickly taste of the butterbeer that heightened their taste buds every so often. To say that all the boys in the group were similar looking would be a lie. Sirius Black, the younger cousin of Andromeda Tonks nee Black, had curly shaggy hair that almost touched his shoulders. His eyes were brown and alert, although not on the right thing like homework, but more so on the frequent and enjoyable subject of rule breaking. Sirius was the tallest one within the group. Although, James Potter came very close to his height.

It could truly be said that Harry Potter was the spitting image of his father, as James had jet black messy hair and the same shaped glasses that more than likely burdened Harry. His eyes, however, were a piercing blue. This, and the lightning bolt scar on Harry's forehead, were the only things that separated both of them. Peter Pettigrew, whose dirty brown hair was slicked back with as much hair gel as he could muster, was the smallest person in the group. His teeth stuck out a bit when he smiled.

"Lupin, my boy!" Slughorn chortled when he walked in. "Come and join us."

Remus had noticed Slughorn had a little too much fire whiskey to drink. Remus kindly declined his offer and went to sit with the rest of the Marauders.

"Moony, do you mind if I borrow your transfiguration homework when we get back to the common room?" Sirius asked.

"You'd think you'd care a bit more about your essays. It is our OWL year after all."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Sirius sighed. "I've heard that lecture before but have I listened? No."

"That's no surprise," Remus said, taking a sip of the butterbeer that James had brought them over.

"Who's that man over by the bar?" James asked.

"Well there's a lot of people by the bar," Peter answered.

"The one with the long coat," James added.

"Nathaniel Blackwell," Remus Lupin emitted, taking in his grey and balding hair.

"Do you know everything?" Sirius questioned, looking rather aghast. "How is it he knows everything, Prongs?"

"Or maybe it's because I actually use my eyes to see things," Remus sighed. "Look at his suitcase, Padfoot, honestly."

There on his suitcase was the initials NB. Directly underneath, in faded gold lettering, was his name.

"I've heard about him before," Peter added, chattering away at the pumpkin pastie he had got.

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