Chapter 72

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It had became a regular thing for Hallie to go for a long walk on the beach that was outside Bill and Fleur's home. The only thing that she had to make sure that she was doing was tell them exactly how long she would be, and where she was going. Hallie was glad she had them, as they truly did care about her and Lara. This morning, Hallie wrapped her Gryffindor scarf around her neck and bumped into Lara on her way out.

"You going on a walk again?" Lara questioned.

"Yeah," Hallie nodded. "Would you like to come?"

"No, that's okay," Lara smiled. "I said I'd help Fleur around the kitchen, you enjoy your walk. Do you have your wand with you?"

"I do," Hallie bobbed her head up and down. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Enjoy your walk, Hal. Make sure you aren't too long outside, okay?" Bill said, motioning towards the kettle. "Stay safe."

"Will do," Hallie nodded, and began to walk outside.

During the month of April, Hallie loved the warm crisp air that began to cling to her skin. It was this part of the year she missed at Hogwarts, when the students would spend most of their time sitting outside looking over their notes. When Hallie thought back to Hogwarts, she thought of Fred and George, who she had not seen in over six months. After walking for around ten minutes, Hallie sat down on the ground and admired the sea.

The waves were nice, but the view was no where near as good as it was from her dormitory window. She wondered what Parvati and Lavender were doing right now, and if they were staring at the beds Hermione and Hallie had owned for six years, or perhaps if they teared up every time they thought of how happy they were. Hallie wondered if Anastasia was safe, and if Neville and Luna were doing okay. It was tough feeling so isolated from people you had grown up with.

"HALLIE!" she heard a voice call.

Not right now. She didn't want to be burdened with the ongoing voices that spoke to her nearly every day now.

"HALLIE BLACKWELL!" It said again. This time, Hallie stood up and looked ahead of her. No one was there.


When Hallie turned around, she thought she could see ginger hair peeking out of the sky. Was this a vision? She shook her head, and looked closely.

It was George.

He was waving and calling her over. Hallie looked closely to see Fred doing the same thing. Hallie burst with glee at this and began to run as fast as her legs could take her. Through the wind, away from the waves, his figure began to get closer and closer. She began to smile brightly. George was here, in the flesh. She wouldn't have to wait any longer to see him, she was looking at him right now.

"GEORGE!" She screamed, close to him now. "FREDDY!"

Now she was only a few inches away, and finally, she was in George's arms. The force of her hitting him so hard caused him to fall down on the beach. Hallie planted two large kisses on his cheeks and looked into his wonderful eyes.

"Oh I've been so miserable," Hallie admitted, helping George up and hugging him once more.

"Freddy!" Hallie beamed, hugging him as well. She could cry she was so happy.

"Not like she's happy or anything, Georgey," Fred laughed.

Hallie walked over to George again and hugged him once more. "I missed you both"

"We missed you too, Hals," George said before kissing her head.

"Right," Fred added, staring at the cottage. "Let's go back inside"

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