Chapter 67

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Malfoy Manor

"Just over a month until the next year of school begins," Andromeda said to Draco as he sat within the confinement of his bedroom. "I assume you're not going back?"

"Obviously not," Draco spat at her. "What are you still doing here?"

"I am helping to protect your family," Andromeda replied calmly. "I do care you know."

"All you know what to do is how to walk out of people's lives," he scowled.

"Then I suppose you and I both know what it's like to make mistakes," Andromeda added. "Don't we?"

"I'm nothing like you. You may have my dad fooled and my mum, but the Dark Lord chose me to carry out that task last year. He could've chose anyone else and he chose me. He knows how gifted I am you see."

"You're very lucky to be so highly honoured," Andromeda smiled."However, it doesn't mean you suddenly know exactly what people are like, Draco, because you do not."

"Get out of my chambers," he scathed at her. "I don't even know what you're doing in here."

Andromeda stood up, gracefully walking out of the front doors as she did. Standing in the hallway was Narcissa, who had frown painted on her face.

"No luck?"

"None," Andromeda sighed.

When Hallie and Lara made it to Harry's house, there was not much conversation between them. All they could do was look at each other once, which indicated that although what happened was tough, they would have each other. Lara hugged her sister, glad that even though they had just lost their mother, she still had her.

"There's no chance in hell I'm letting these death eaters win," Hallie stated, a rushing power in her tone. "If they underestimate me, I'll hit them like a ton of bricks."

Lara smiled at this. "Don't even let them silence you, Hallie. They live terrible, meaningless lives. Their relationship with you-know-who is obsessive and unhealthy, and it'll send them to the brink of insanity. Never stay in your place, be the strength you know you are."

"Always, sissy. No matter how tough it gets, I'll never give up. That's what they want, and I'll never give them that power."

"My brave sister," Lara smiled. "Come on, let's go inside."

When they entered Harry's home, Hallie looked around at the walls which didn't house any photos. The walls were plain and tidy, and white. Hallie had to admit, she didn't like the look of this house for it reminded her of the great pain Harry had to deal with.

"Hi Hal," Harry said to Hallie as she entered. Hallie put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a half smile, observing the scar on his forehead.

"Hello, Harry. This is my sister, Lara."

"Alright?" Lara shook his hand, and smiled at him.

"I've seen you before, weren't you in Hufflepuff?" Harry asked.

"Yep," Lara nodded."Lots of people here, isn't there?"

Hallie looked around to see Tonks, Lupin, Ron, Hermione, Arthur, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, Hagrid (who towered above everyone) and Kingsley together. Each were having individual conversations and seemed to be so immersed within them, that they hadn't even noticed that Hallie and Lara had entered.

"Hallie! Hello Hallie!" Fleur walked over and gave her a strangling hug.

"Hello, Fleur!" Hallie said enthusiastically, returning the hug.

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