Chapter 45

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"I decided to prepare these concoctions today for our class," Professor Slughorn stated at the front of the classroom. Hermione's eyes were alert and wild to learn more which juxtaposed from the sleepy attitude coming from her classmates.

"Any ideas what they are?" Professor Slughorn asked.

Hallie and Hermione's hand shot straight up in the air. Hermione had never had this experience before in her life, but today, Hallie felt confident enough to answer questions.

"Ah, Miss Blackwell," Slughorn smiled. "Winner of the Enfield scholarship. Professor Snape told me about your adept potion making qualities."

"Please don't make a fuss sir," Hallie said, hating the attention she was receiving. "Honestly, I just love potions and I think that is half the battle."

"Very well," he smiled. "Could you tell me what these potions are?"

"Er—yes," she nodded, taking a step forward and receiving a reproachful look from Hermione. "Well this one here is Veritaserum. It's a pungent truth serum often used to extract the truth from individuals. Say, if you're lying about a crime, the ministry could use this to reveal the truth."

"Very good," he nodded. "And this one?"

"The draught of living death," she continued, after thinking about the truth serum Umbridge could've used on Harry. "It's a sleeping potion. It puts you in a deathlike slumber. The Wiggenfield potion would be the counter curse for it."

"10 points to Gryffindor, Miss Blackwell," Professor Slughorn nodded.

"Thank you, sir," Hallie stared over the last potion, but found herself unable to voice what it was. She knew it was Amortentia, but stepped back to let Hermione answer the question.

"Amortentia," Hermione stated, glad that the spotlight was back on her.

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world," Hermione said, taking a step closer. "The smell often varies based on who or what the person likes."

She looked carefully at the cauldron again. "For example, I smell Freshly mown grass, and new parchment. Oh, and..." Hallie noticed it was almost as if she didn't want to say the last thing. "Er- the last scent is quite confunded actually," And she took a step back, realising she had perhaps said too much about herself.

"Miss Blackwell, why don't you go next?" Professor Slughorn said with a mighty smile. "Come on, right up to the front now."

Hallie was rather hesitant as she walked up. She felt many eyes burning into the back of her head as she looked into the cauldron.

"Well, I smell bubblegum," was the first thing she pointed out. "The pages of a new book. Oh how lovely!" she smiled.

The last smell made her frown - it was gingerbread. This brought her back to a happier time in her life.

"Gingerbread," Hallie smiled immediately, hiding her frown. "Freshly baked."

"I am rather quite fond of that!" Slughorn laughed.

"I'm telling you though," Ginny stated at the fireplace. "Professor McGonagall doesn't think we have any other subjects!"

"Wait until you get to NEWT level," Hallie laughed, remembering how Cedric Diggory had told her this statement long ago. "I wish I was still doing my OWLs."

"What did Fred say in the letter he gave you?" Ginny questioned.

"Here," Hallie passed it over. "You can have a read of it."

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