Chapter 2

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"George, I've already told you a million times, the answer is still no!"

For the few days, Fred and George had persistently asked Hallie to go with them to the forbidden forest after sighting a centaur. Hallie knew all too well they'd prank her in some way possible, even though she'd been part of their group for five years now.

"Come on Hals, it's just a forest. You're not scared, are ya?" Fred asked while walking into the middle part of the Gryffindor Common Room.

"No, and I'm not stupid enough to fall for whatever you've got planned either."

"You're more than happy to always help," Fred added. "What's changed?"

"That pigmy puff lunatic Umbridge. I don't want you expelled," Hallie said to George and Fred who were now laughing, "I'm serious."

"Oh Hallie bear, don't you worry about us," George smiled at her. "You ready for quidditch practise Freddy?"

"Most definitely," he smirked at George then back at Hallie.

"Don't be breaking any ones bones you two," Hallie said to both of them, "especially you, George."

"How come I'm always on the receiving end of your backlash Hallie bear?" He folded his arms.

"It's because she looooveesss you," Fred teased while placing his hands on his heart and providing a soppy facial expression.

"You're cruising for a bruising, Fred Weasley."

"Sorry, sorry," he laughed and George gave him a large thump on his head.

"Bye Hals!" Fred and George shouted as they left the common room. Hallie waved back, watching them as they left.

Hallie had decided not to go down to the pitch to watch while they practised, for she had lots of homework to be getting on with. On the top of her list was muggle studies. Professor Burbage always reminded the students that homework helped learning. Hallie groaned at the sight of having to do extra work on a Saturday.

"Neville?" Hallie said as she opened up her muggle studies textbook. He turned around and looked at her. "Have you completed the muggle studies task yet?"

"Well not fully, do you need a hand?"

"No I should be okay. Could you just explain what the homework is again?"

"You have to research either your mum or dads life a year before you were born to see how it changed."

"Okay, thank you."

Hallie smiled at Neville and continued to read the task. What had her mother's life been like a year before she was born? Surely it was quite hectic, for Hallie knew she had worked two jobs her entire life. Lara would've been a baby, and her mum wouldn't have been pregnant with her until the January of 1979. So, she decided to write a letter:

Hello mum,

I hope you're doing well at home! We have a silly muggle studies assignment we must complete and I just want to ask you what life was like a year before I was born?

Love from,


She began to attach the letter to the envelope and stood up from the comfortable sofa.

"You want to come with me, Neville?" Hallie asked, noticing he looked a bit down.

"Er-yeah. Sure, that would be great."

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