Chapter 36

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A/N: Who absolutely loves the new cover of my story as much as I do? A special thank you to sygmys who created this amazing cover☺️If you ever need a cover for your story, I'd highly recommend her, she's brilliant!

Enjoy the chapter everyone :)

(Me again, on a later date) The song for this chapter is Olivia Rodrigo's favourite crime from her SOUR album. Please play now, and I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)


"I can't possibly deal with all of this stress!" Lavender Brown shouted the morning of the Charms exam at half five in the morning. "I'm going to have grey hairs before I'm twenty years of age."

"That's the least of your worries," Parvati contemplated. "I was up for ages last night trying to remember the motion for Wingardium Leviosa. A spell we learnt in bloody first year."

"Swish and flick" Hermione added, who was skimming through a few last notes that she had made.

Hallie remained relatively quiet, trying to pace herself for two worries she had today: her examination and Fred's early departure from Hogwarts.

"My mum will absolutely kill me if I don't pass charms," Parvati admitted. "I'll be a failure if I don't get enough OWLs to get back into NEWTs. All my childhood dreams, gone up the spout, just like that."

"Well, have you revised?" Hermione questioned, still not looking up from her book.

"Yes," Parvati nodded. "We both have."

"Then I really don't understand why you're worrying," Hermione shrugged her shoulders. "As soon as you get into the exam, all of this will go away."

"She is right," Hallie said to Parvati.

"Oh alright," Parvati sighed.  "I better hurry up and see Padma. She gets more nervous than I do about exams."

"I'm not even dressed yet!" Lavender bellowed as she placed a hair band on her head.

"I've got to go," Parvati said, grabbing her bag. "Bye!"

"Harry and Ron said they'd meet me downstairs," Hermione said to Hallie, not wanting to spend any more time with Lavender than she had too. "Good luck!"

"Bye," Hallie waved goodbye and nervously peered over to see Lavender still fixing her head. Neither of them had spoken since their argument more than a month ago.

"Good luck with the exam," Hallie said dryly as she approached the door.

"Hallie," Lavender began.

She turned around and looked at her with a surprised look in her eyes. "What?"

"I—er—well," Lavender began to say.

Hallie began to feel very hopeful. Maybe she was about to apologise to her for the things that she had said.

"D—don't forget to leave your charms book in your bag before you go into the exam."

She had been let down.

"I know."

She thought that maybe there was something else Lavender wanted to say. Hallie left, remembering Lavender's opinion of her simply didn't matter, nor had it ever really.

"Good luck for you exam, Hals!" Fred shouted as she walked towards the portrait hole. Hallie simply nodded, and waved, remembering what had happened just last evening.

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