Yorknew pt 5

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Kari's POV
"I-I don't know how to explain, it has to deal with my disappearance though" "please tell me" "ok"

Kari's POV + backstory
"It all started when I was 15 and I lived with my uncle, he abused and raped me since I was 12. I ran away at 15 and ended up running into you, I thought I was safe with you. Turns out he was still looking for me, there was a ritual he wanted to preform on me. And when I was 20 he broke into our house while you were gone, all I could do was give you that note, I didn't have my powers to defend myself. I kept running from him until I reached a dead end, and as soon as I knew it he knocked me out and kidnapped me. When I woke up I heard words being chanted by people in black clothes. I was completely naked and my body felt hot. Then my body bursted into flames, the pain was unbearable, I almost died. I passed out but I woke up to find parts of my body replaced by metal, and I had these burn marks. I started hearing a voice in my head, turns out they placed a demon inside me to save my body from death." I then proceeded to show him my demon, "it was probably to closest friend I had, it told me about the amount of power it had, but it can only be used when if I had a power source so that it wouldn't kill me. So I couldn't do anything since I had no power, you taught me about nen and stuff, I was going to surprise you when I finally got the hang of it but that never happened. Anyways, the abuse continued for three years until I was allowed to practice nen, I had to kill everyone for my freedom. I did but it my freedom wasn't granted, it took me about two more years to do that since they were so powerful. Instead of my freedom they strapped me to a table and injected me with a serum that allowed me to enhance my abilities, but the side effects made me cannibalistic, unable to feel certain pain, and a little crazy. It was supposed to put me under his control but that didn't work, and since he knew I was overpowered a bit he injected himself with the same serum and became almost immortal. He told me I had to kill him a certain way, and it was up until the exams that I found the way to kill him. I tried a fire, a stab to the heart, and even shooting him. Nothing worked, until the third phase, that's why I was in shock. When you asked me what's wrong, I started crying saying I'm sorry, I just couldn't handle seeing him again. And I had a slip up in the fourth phase when I called you by the nickname I gave you." "I wanna know what exactly is your power now, I'm interested" "Ok well, I can manipulate my nen to my own timeline and other objects, but it does it at will as in I don't have to try and use it, it just does it itself. Now when I go forward in time, I have to do it myself, so it looks like I'm teleporting but really I just went through time faster. And my ability to move faster than a blink of an eye can only happen if I'm mad, so that's why I couldn't do that during our match. Now my eye is like permanent gyo, I don't have to focuse on it but it'll just do that whenever it feels an aura present. And I sometimes get glimpses into the future. And my demon power straight up just kills you, but can bring you back by reversing time back for that person. That's what I did to you at the arena" "oh that makes more sense now, but it just seems like you can overpower anyone you want" "if only it was that easy- I'm so sorry it does that sometimes, but yeah if only it was. My demon power can only hold for two min and I get tired quite fast. And if you get to me another way from pissing me off, I can get traumatic memories putting me in a paralyzed state. I won't move, eat, sleep for days and can only be moved by another person, so yeah that's it" "hmm interesting"

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