Heavens arenas pt 2

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Kari's POV
I was bored sitting around so I was looking for a good opponent. I walked to hisokas room and I was going to knock but the door was open. It was open just unlocked, he probably forgot. I walked in and heard a noise. It was the sound of water running, it was coming from the bathroom. I walked by but the door was wide open( you should check it o-) no. I went to his bed and sat down, there was a note on the ground, it said "I'm sorry" it was the note I wrote, he kept it. (Tell him) your right. It started getting harder to breath since I was in shock, so I decided to take off my mask. I sat there looking at the note. "What are you doing" hisoka said scaring me. I couldn't look at him, he sounded furious, he sounded as if he actually cared. A card came by and cut my hand causing me to release the note, he then pinned me to the bed and said "what were you doing" I was looking away so he couldn't see me, and I started to cry, he then grabbed my face and turned me to him. " K-Kino" I looked to the side but then he hugged me, I hugged him back. It was going good till (he's only in a towel ) I then started furiously blushing and my face became extremely warm. Hisoka noticed this and finally look at me. "Are you okay" "you're only in a towel" "oh, OH sorry" I'm the only one he ever showed his more human side, other than him being the way he usually is. "You're still on me" he quickly got off. "Why did you leave, what happened, are you okay?" "I can't tell you that, but I won't leave again I promise" he then kissed me, I kissed back then hugged him. I then asked him "do you want to be my new opponent" "of course" I knew he was powerful but my demon was also powerful, although it can only hold for about 2min.


Hisoka x oc pt.1Where stories live. Discover now