Greed island pt 6

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"Oh what's this" I started to run towards the presence. "Stop her" like they can stop me, (you idiot, stop) I'm curious. After I got to where the presence was, I seen a small girl. "Oh what's this" I take a deep breath in of the air surrounding her "hmm I see, you're the replacement for number four, interesting" "back away, we're not sure what you're capable of" Nobunaga said "calm down you're acting like I'll kill her" "oh it's your little form, huh" I won't kill her but it doesn't mean I'll hesitate to kill you "calm down" hisoka said grabbing me by the wrist

"Why, he's tempting me" "what did he do" "I felt that he slightly insulted my demon" "he didn't insult your demon" hisoka said tightening his grip "don't think you can tame me" "I don't think it, I know it" "yeah okay clown man, no has visto mi peor forma todavía," "you know I barely understand you sometimes" he said pulling me up into a kiss. I bit his lip so he's put me down "I never fully forgave you mister clown man" I say crossing my arms. "You guys are an interesting couple" I hear shalnark say from behind me "wait we aren't-mmmmmm" hisoka blocked my mouth from saying anymore. I pulled a knife from nowhere and put it to his neck, then glared at him. He took his hand off from my mouth and chuckled "I missed when you threatened me, you looked so adorable" I glared at him again "bitch I'll kill you again" he chuckled once more "stop doing that, you damn clown" he made a straight face and said "I'm not a clown" "yeah okay, with yo Ronald McDonald, pedophile, "I only simp for 12 year olds" lookin ass" i look at him and he made a slightly mad but sad face and I started laughing, which he obviously didn't like "I don't simp for-." I cut him off "yeah ok, I know what you think like, you really go for anyone huh" he came closer and whispered in my ear "I wouldn't do that if I were you, and if you know what I think like, you're causing my arousal to become stronger and since it you, it would be quite fun like last time" my face became redder and redder. (Oh your screwed) oh shut it.

Hisoka x oc pt.1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя