YorkNew pt 2

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Kari's POV
I was walking through a dark alley when I stumbled across some idiots. They tried cat-calling me, but they sounded stupid. I whacked them on the head and left, they followed after. I pulled my mask down, and they looked at me with horror in their eyes. I looked like a monster to them. (Don't let it get to you) I know it's just, am I really that scary looking. I remember scaring kids and no one wanting to be my friend when I was younger. I wish I was pretty, maybe life wouldn't be so hard ( first, don't say that, second, you are  pretty in your own way) thanks, never thought my inner demon would tell me that, anyways let's find hisoka. I was walking for about an hour when I hear talking. I kept walking until I stumbled into hisoka. He said "I wonder what my little princess is doing here" "you know I hate that name, Ronald" he placed a card to my neck saying "say that again" I chuckled "tehe Ronald" he then sliced my neck, knowing it wouldn't do anything. "Aww is the clown man mad that I called him that" I say in a childish voice, he then pulled my mask down and said "keep toying with me like that and I might have to punish you, remember what I said at the exams, Kino" I blushed trying to put my mask up in time before he saw it, but he stop me a kissed me forcefully but in a gentle way. I stopped the kiss and said "okay..... Ronald" with that I ran off laughing, he chased after me and caught me, I let him. He picked me up and took me to this place where theses other people were. I raise a brow "where tf are we" (this some sus bs right here ) and you are right "hisoka where are we at" I say "well my dear this is the phantom troupe" "oh, dope, hay y'all what's up" "hello?" They all reply with a questioning tone.

Hisoka x oc pt.1Where stories live. Discover now