The second phase

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Kari's POV
We were cooking? I can cook kinda good.(you suck what are you talking about) rude (stfu you know I'm right) meanie. We have to find a pig(you do not me, I just sit back and observe) found one(wait what) it's huge, what should I do(go for its forehead) I thought you weren't going to help me( well it doesn't matter now, since I'm helping you, now hurry) okay okay, I killed it. Now we cook.

Time skip
She said it was trash, I'm hurt now(stop being butthurt and get over it) words hurt

Another time skip to the blimp
I was hanging out with gon and killua until I seen a random dude approach me and said "what is a little girl doing here shouldn't you be at home and play with your dolls, girl" I know this dude did not just assume my age "alright listen here, boy, I might only be 5ft tall but I am 26 so don't test before I shove my foot up your ass" after my reaction every one was staring at me while hisoka is looking at me with a slight smirk (😏)don't even think about it(you never let me have fun) shut up. Iwas hanging out in a room till hisoka walked in a locked the door, he said "it seems to me that you can manipulate your aura to your on timeline, am I correct?" "How tf did you know" "you really should be more nice to me" he got closer to me and said "you were running quite fast and healed your self after I cut your neck, and I feel like you have secrets I want to know" "look I'm not looking for trouble but I have my own personal reasons and I don't need you knowing, hisoka." I snapped at him, he looked hurt at the way I snapped at him, I just wanted to tell him it was me, but it wasn't the right time yet. "Very well then bye" he said before he left the room, I started to feel tears form but they didn't fall

Time skip
We got the place we were supposed to be, it was a tall tower. Soon I fell through a trap door and I had to wait for another two people to join, and by my surprise guess who it was.


Hisoka x oc pt.1Where stories live. Discover now