Greed island pt 5

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"Why would you do that" "I'm angry and when I get angry, I get hungry" "o-okay" I then just sat down, watching the game wondering why I blew up at him like that, usually I don't get like that. (Are you okay) yeah, it's just- never mind. After a while gon had passed out and they would've won, but hisoka did something else to win. I don't know why he did, maybe for gon or maybe for himself. I feel like we will talk soon though.

After they won, gon went to talk to Razor and I went outside to kill something. That was until I noticed hisokas presence right behind me "what do you want" "I am sorry, truly" "yeah and what if you say something like that again, are you really sorry or- stay back!" He got closer to me "I said I'm sorry, and if I do I would never forgive myself" "yeah ok, Ronald" "wait she is who you were talking about"Killua said "fuck" I hear hisoka say "you swear, Ronald?" I say taunting him"no" he says trying to play it off "aww is the clown man getting flustered" I hear Killua and gon laughing at me taunting him "no and I'd gladly make you stop in my own way" I made a confused face until I realized what he meant. My face went red and then I heard gon and Killua laugh even harder. This pissed me off so I disappeared for a second and came back with a person. I snapped his neck and started eating, hisoka obviously knew why I did this and looked at them, and licked his lips. They immediately stopped since they were creeped out in which I giggled. I had already finished the head by the time I got full since I wasn't mad enough to eat. He picked me up and we all parted ways. We met up with the troupe and started talking about the nen exorcist dude. "Oh hey" shalnark said "why are you covered in blood" glasses said "I was hungry" I felt a sudden presence near us and I looked in the direction it came from.

Hisoka x oc pt.1Where stories live. Discover now