Yorknew pt 7

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Kari's POV
I looked all around until I noticed Machi wasn't there, and around my shoulder felt a bit 'weird'. The stares at me like I was some sort of monster "What's going on, why happened, why are you looking at me like I'm a freak!?" "You are one, you killed Machi" some gremlin said "no I did- wait what do you mean?" "You said you wanted to join and we told you what you had to do, and you killed her, but before that we told Pakunoda to see why you passed out, your memories were 'different'". This made me twitch my eye "you WHAT!" This forced my half demon out "calm down" Pakunoda said "sorry" my self came back. I hope they didn't see what I don't want them to see (especially that one night with hisoka) is that why he looks like that, oh shit, hopefully not. "Kari, you seemed to have spaced out" shalnark said "um yeah, why am I chained up?" "Well you did not stop your little killing spree after you killed her so we knocked you out, put your tattoo, and chained you up so you don't kill anyone else." "Oh, let me go then" I ask "no, we need some answers" feitan says "what are they" "I'll ask first, how did you know what the rest said, if you never finished it do to your 'glitching' Pakunoda says "I seen it happen before, why" "so you also have fortune telling powers" "oh no, mine aren't accurate at all, they just happen, but I have seen my own many times, so after I read half of it I already knew what it was" why am I saying the truth, what the heck "it does work, alright now what exactly is your demons true form" "so basical- wait why am I- what do you mean, so basically" I kept struggling to say what I wanted but I kept saying the truth (come on, hold it in) I bit my lip till blood started pouring and they would have to do something "stop that" hisoka says, I still keep biting "princess please stop" "princess?!" I look over to them and stop biting I looked confused until I realized they don't know about us "shit" i look over to hisoka and he was smirking? "Oh I mean, I guess but what is your demons true form "yes" I then broke the chains and left as fast as I could.

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