next to you

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the day you found out the world was ending in a week you met the love of your life, jeon jungkook, he was a fool you found in the grocery store trying to steal all the snacks in a hurry, he happened to grab the last bag of your favorite chips and ...

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the day you found out the world was ending in a week you met the love of your life, jeon jungkook, he was a fool you found in the grocery store trying to steal all the snacks in a hurry, he happened to grab the last bag of your favorite chips and you two argued, until he asked you,

"wanna hang until the world ends?"

you had nobody else to go to so you said yes, and ever since then you went on crazy adventures, crossing many things off of your bucket list.

the first day you went out on a hot air balloon, jungkook kept messing around trying to act like it was tipping over, you smacked him upside the head.

the second day jungkook taught you how to ride a motorcycle, you were pretty bad and almost crashed but in the end you guys went to a nice diner and got yummy pancakes!

the third day you went on a trip to go see the northern lights, it's always been a dream of yours and when you finally saw them you couldn't help but tear up a little bit...that was also the day jungkook finally came to terms that he fell for you.

the fourth day you guys continued to explore, meeting new people, seeing new things, the whole day in general was euphoric, and jungkook being there just made you feel even better.

the fifth day it was finally getting to you, everyone was going to die in two days, there's still so much you wanted to do but you had such little time, that night you cried in jungkook's arms..and he kissed you.

the sixth day was just all about you and jungkook, you went on..a date? he took you out to an abandoned restaurant and made you the finest dinner, you had wine, and a yummy dessert, then afterwards you went on a walk on the beach...and made love.

and now here you are, the seventh day, sitting on top of a building with jungkook holding you in the most loving way possible, the sky was a pretty shade of pink of orange and you wanted a nice view, you wanted to see something beautiful before everything was destroyed.

"kookie?" you mumble against his arms and he hums, "are you scared?"

jungkook tenses up and hesitates behind you, "i don't know..."

"i am," you admit, "i'm fucking terrified...and heartbroken."


"because we had so little time together, i met you a week ago and now i'm madly in love with you and now.." tears fill your eyes, "now we're all about to die."

"don't say such a thing-"

"but it's true!" you rip yourself out of his arms and turn around to look at him, jungkook has tears streaming down his cheeks too which hurts you so much, "why would the world do that? why would they bring us together literally a week before the world ends?!"

"maybe...maybe so we'd die happy."

your face falls when he walks up to you and cups your face, "y/n before i met you i was a fucking mess, i was lonely and nobody loved me..but you loved me and you taught me how to love..and now i'm complete, i can die in peace knowing that i got what i always wanted."

"and what's that?" you ask already knowing what the answer is.

"love." you two stare at each other while tears are pouring out of your eyes. you couldn't believe this, who knew you would fall in love in seven days?

"i feel the same way y'know...i've always craved affection that wasn't given to me as a child, i was always seen as a bother and i was either pushing someone away or the other way around. but with you it was different," big brown doe eyes stare at you and you gulp, "you taught me how to enjoy life, how to appreciate the small things, to love, to live." you share a laugh as you make your way back into each other's arms again.

"thank you, for everything," you cry out and jungkook nods as he kisses you softly, as you sigh into the kiss you the sky let out a crack.

when you pull apart you notice the color of the sky changed, it's red mixed with orange and sky keeps on cracking.

it's time.

"can you sing for me?" you ask the love of you life and he smiles before nodding his head, the next thing you know his silky smooth singing fills your voice.

"and baby everything that i have is yours you will never go could or hungry.
i'll be there were you're insecure let you know that you're always lovely
girl, cause you are the only thing that i've got right now."

everything starts following apart, but right now you didn't care, you thought you wanted to see the sky before you die but you were wrong.

you wanted to see jungkook.

"one day when the sky is falling i'll be standing right next to you
right next to you."

you let out a small giggle when he booped your nose, both of your eyes crinkling.

"nothing will ever come between us cause i'll be standing right next to you...
right next to you."

it was really the end huh? the end of the world, you were scared but, not anymore. you lived a good life.

"we'll be reunited in heaven y/n," jungkook reassures you and you nod, "see you in the afterlife kookie."

"i love you."

"i love you too."

then everything went black.

the end.

ugh i just finished reading that book today and i haven't been able to start crying ever since, also i posted three times in a row yay! :) i hope you all enjoyed as much as i did making this, and thank you again to the author for inspiring me. <3 i love you all and remember to live life to the fullest (:

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