rough rider pt. 1

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"you have to be impressed now y/n," your best friends says ecstatically, they took you to an illegal drag race but you just couldn't find yourself impressed

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"you have to be impressed now y/n," your best friends says ecstatically, they took you to an illegal drag race but you just couldn't find yourself impressed

you too liked to dabble around and race with cars occasionally but you felt as if these guys were doing too much, like it was all just for show and girls

"their number one racer, jungkook is sooo cute too! how could you not love this!?" you're not paying attention to them though, your attention is on the mc, he's asking more people if they'd like to race their number one racer, nobody was raising their hand or anything...

nobody but you

you raised your hand with confidence and shouted, "i'll race him!"

your best friend looked at you like you were crazy as you walked towards the front

'oh she's crazy'

'she's a girl! they can't race guys!'

'this isn't fair'

"whoa miss mamas, did you get this place mixed up with a mall or somethin?" jungkook aka jk aka the number one racer teases you with a cocky ass smile on his face

"keep on talkin pretty boy, now show me where i can pick a car," you simply say and jungkook looks at you with an amusing look, "you're looking at it right now."

you look down at the beat down car in front of you, then you looked at his car, it was new, clean, and surely the fastest thing ever

you can make it work though

"having second thoughts miss mamas? scared you'll break a nail or your weave will mess up?" you've had it at this point

"listen here you sexist, egotistical bastard!" you shout as you point a finger at him, "i'm very much capable of dusting your ass and that's exactly what i'll do, now get yo ass in that damn car." you order and once again he smirks at you

"alright baby, hop in," you eye the guy once again before hopping into the car, while the flag woman is saying the rules you're examining the car, pretty boy's car is more faster than yours no doubt, but as always you can make it work

"on your mark...get set...go!!" you immediately push your foot on the gas and take off, pretty boy is off to a good start but you don't worry, you got this

he slows his car down and gets to you while rolling down his window, "it's cute that you're doing this mamas but you're not going to win," he teases

"keep your eyes on the road pretty boy," you switch the gears and take off as fast as the car will take you, at this point you're in the lead now and you can see jungkook behind you trying his best to reach you

then you cross the finish line

you get out of the car with a big smile on your face, everybody is quiet, everyone but your best friend

"y/n! that was fucking incredible you're so dope!" they shout in your face and you can't help but-


you turn around to be met with a pissed pretty boy, "the fuck is your deal yo? i give you the shittest car and you just so happen to beat me? i never lose and i'll be damned if i lose to a female."

"excuse me?! don't be bitter because you got yo ass dusted by a female with a shitty ass car, maybe if you weren't so cocky then you would have won." before pretty boy could reply to you you're already turning around and heading to the exit, not paying attention to anyone congratulating you

to be continued...

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