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"you know my parents have been asking about you lately

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"you know my parents have been asking about you lately..they wanna meet you, in person of course," you tell your boyfriend, jimin as you two lay in bed together

"why would they want to meet me though? i thought they didn't know about me?" jimin thought it would be best if you kept your relationship behind closed doors, it was fun sneaking around at first but now your family and friends think you're delusional, talking about your 'man' who they've never seen before

"don't worry i didn't tell them your name or show them any pictures, i just talk about you a lot. they think i'm crazy though, talking about a man without any proof that he's actually a human," you laugh and look up at jimin, who has a straight face

"i thought we agreed to keep things on the down low, it's best for me and you jagi we discussed-"

"if you don't want to meet my parents then all you gotta do is say it," i buck as i get out of the bed and grab the first outfit i see in my closet

"jagi where are you going?" jimin frustratingly says

"out, i can't tolerate you right now," i grumble and he gets out of bed and grabs my hands, i look up and he has that cute little look on his face i can't resist


"jimin..." i say mocking him

"the only reason i want to keep us a secret is to protect you jagi, i don't know how the fans are going to react and i don't want to put you in any harm. don't think that i'm trying to hide you, if i could show you off i would jagi you know i would," i look up at my boyfriend with a smirk on his face, he always knew what to say

"what about my parents? would you still try to meet them? or is that-"

"of course i'll meet them jagi, i would love to," my smile grows bigger as i squeeze his hands

"how about we go out hmm? get some ice cream maybe?" jimin suggests

"you wanna risk being seen? just throw our whole conversation out the window huh?"

"for you, i'll risk anything jagiya," his smile gets better and i just can't help but coo at his cuteness

the end.

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