Our spot

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We walked along the beach. Luke and I started talking about how he had to pry Ashton off of Calum.

"Luke, my I'm tired. Piggyback?"

"Sure, don't want my baby tired."

Awe, he's so sweet!

"I think the baby's okay Luke."

"I know. I was talking about you. Your MY baby."

I was literally so happy. My stomach felt like a whole bunch of bugs were crawling all over it. I had the biggest smile on my face!!


Luke gently put me down. We were at a small cave on the shore right at the ocean. It was breathtaking!

"Luke, this is so beautiful!"

I explored the cave, and I could have sworn I heard him say "like you". I blushed even if I wasn't positive he said it.

"Yeah, this is where I go when I need to think, or just want some quiet. It's my spot. Now it's our spot!

"I love it! I love it. I love you"

"I love you too!"

I turned and just looked at the ocean. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of tiny waves crashing. The seagulls chirping. It was so calming. I felt arms snake around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. Breath on my cheek. Luke. I leaned back a little. This was a perfect moment. His hands slowly slipped onto my belly.

"Hi Taylor, I just wanted to say hi. It's daddy. I just wanted you to know that I love you. And mommy loves you. And I wanted you to know that when your in the world, I will take you hear and show you this beautiful spot. It's almost as beautiful as your mom."

He kissed my cheek. He turned me so I faced him. I stared into his sky blue eyes. He looked right back at mine.

"I love you, more than you know"

"I love you too Luke!"

We both leaned in. We stood there kissing. It was a perfect kiss. He was perfect!

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