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Um, I guess I'm updating early compared to what I do(never update).

(This is 1st point of view) I don't remember everything but I'm going to be skipping a few years because this book is not gonna get to the plot anytime soon if I don't. ( also I don't remember the age ) And what I've looked up the Show started around when he was 12-13 so, that gave me an idea; any way to the story


( age 9 ) (MIGHT"S POV)

Kakashi dropped me at school, i'm very excited. I can't wait to be friends with everyone, maybe I can make friends with Shino! He's so cool, I always wondered how he could control all of thous bugs. How about Shikamaru he seems fun! Walking inside went smoothly the lady was nice, with her boob shoving and flirting with a nine-year old.

That some lady so instead of asking her where the class was I just looked at the map, right beside her. WHo NEedS HElp!? NOT me. Ahem anyway, I knock on the sliding door, waiting for the teacher to let me in. "come in," says Iruka sempai "please introduce yourself."

"HELLO CHILDREN IM 'ALL' MIGHT NICE TO MEET YOU OH, AND I'M NINE YEARS OLD," I say very obnoxiously smiling slightly.


"okay you can sit beside the window beside Sasuke Uchiha," said Mr. Teach. I walk past Uchiha and wave lightly at him getting into my seat. " okay class we're going to learn about MAGIC today so get out your pencils and let's get started." says Iruka sempai

- Time skip - Free Time-

"yawn," I say as I yawn laying my head against the window seal. Watching the student's leave in groups. 'Why do I have to be the youngest here!?'

'Ugh, why do I have to go back to school I just got out of it before I died.'

I feel a poke on my shoulder so I turn to look at them lazily.

I see Iruka sempai and Uchiha there I then turn back to the window lazily not thinking they were the ones that poked me.

But I got touched again this time it was a tap, not a poke. " don't touch me " I say lightly trying my with all my powers to stay awake.

"Might, this is Uchiha Sasuke he will be showing you around the school. If you need anything ask him I'll be off now," says Iruka sempai as he leaves to the teacher's lounge.

"guess you'll show me around?" I say

"Yeah," says Uke-chan

-Time Skip-

"Thanks for showing me around Uke-chan!" I say

"uke-chan?" say's Uke-chan

"Yeah, it's short for Sasuke," I say wavering, "unless...you don't like it." T~T

"uhh...No I love it!?" says Uke-Chan~


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