falling sky

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!!!Warning!!! The video. Above. Has flashing lights!!! There is also a cringing alert you have been warned...


I start to fall, yes fall... out of the sky the ground was coming closer towards the ground. I put my hands around my head as I fall towards a lake. As I go lake headfirst. I feel water around me I feel myself being dragged down slowly like I'm sinking in an ocean of seclusion and isolation. My vision starts to blur. I see a figure dive into the water, but I can't see their face clearly as everything becomes into nothingness.


My head hurts and my lungs are heavy my eyes are too heavy to open... I should have told them I couldn't swim...well I guess what's done is done I wonder why my body feels so light. I suddenly feel as if my lungs are clearing but I again start to lose consciousness I try hard to stay conscious, but it doesn't work.


I wake up again to my head hurting but not as bad. I open my eyes to see people looking at me as if I was a zombie coming back to life. I start to set up when I feel myself falling back down in pain. An old man with red and white clothing comes forward. "child I would like to ask you some questions if you are feeling well to speak." he talks as if I'm his own, so I wanted to try something on him

" Haben Sie etwas Wassernebel?" (do you have some water mister?) I asked as I was barely audible for even the closest person to hear, but somehow, he heard me. He asked someone beside him to go get me a glass of water. A few minutes later the nurse that left was now back with a glass of water. I grab the glass of water from her hands and I start to drink it until nothing was left. I looked up as if asking what do you want to ask? I was too lazy to say my question out loud. He looks at me and smiles and says sweetly for an old man

"well first why were you at the gate wet and unconscious?" I look up puzzled by his question I thought he would know why I was here wait.... is he...the Hokage from NARUTO now that I look at him, he does look close to him? I look him up and down and say to him quietly "u-m I don't know I was last in a lake for all I know I could have been kidnapped" he looks down thoughtfully and says happily "Well why don't live in our village...."," Y/n Might or just call me Ivea for short." I say shortly (almost too short) "well since you are new here you will be living with someone watching over you," Mr.hokage says


~sorry it's short I try to publish the next one longer and that I didn't publish earlier I hope you have a good day/night.~

Naruto x Male Oc... I'm different than themDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora